Chapter Two

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We were riding through the jungle using the paths marked out on the map. There were a few things the instructor forgot, or didn't, tell us. Besides the red zone being marked there were two others. Green and blue. On the map's key it said that green was safe, there were many cameras and we would be well protected. Blue zone was an ok region, they didn't have any cameras, but there were no, or very few, reports of someone found dead or injured. And of course, the red zone was off limits. No cameras, and no returns.

Red zone...

Since Jake and I started riding through the jungle, I've felt drawn to it. Like I needed to go there. It's a little hard to explain. I ignored the map that was in the clipboard attached to the bike handles. I'd travel using nothing, explore on true instinct and see where I go, which hopefully wouldn't be the red zone. But my hopes were quickly gone when Jake used a wide part of the trail to his advantage. He tapped the side of his helmet and I saw the number 3 painted on there, next to it was a dial. He then moved back behind me. I found the dial on my helmet and moved it three clicks.

"You do know where you going, right?" I heard him speak there small speakers inside the helmet. How cool is that?

"Um... of course..." I answered a little unsure.

"Just wondering because it almost seems like you want us to end this journey quickly."


I heard him sigh, "you're kidding, right? You don't realize that you've been making an almost beeline for the red zone?"

Something is drawing me to it, I need to know what! "Am I really?"

"Pull over and let me lead, I at least won't kill us."

I slowed down and let him move ahead. I felt stupid and ashamed for leading us towards death. I let out a sigh.

"You ok?" Jake said through the speakers.

"Yeah, fine. I'm really sorry, I guess I was reading the map wrong..."

We traveled for a while longer and stopped to see what grub we had. I was devastated that we had come this far with no sign of dinosaurs. Then, I saw it...

"Jake!" I said pointing.

He looked and saw the same footprint I saw. A dinosaur footprint.

"Well, at least now we know  we're on the right path."

I thought for a moment, "we're in the green zone, right?"


"Let's ditch the bikes."


I got up from were I was hunched looking at the print. "Look, they can probably here the motors of the bikes. It could be scaring them off and that's why we've only just now have seen proof of their existence. I found a small backpack in my bag, let's pack what we need them explore the rest on foot."

Jake thought about this for a moment. Finally he agreed, "I'll take the map and mark this spot so we don't forget we the bikes are. I'll go with your plan."

I smiled and we quickly ate our lunch of protein bars. Guess there's not a hole lot of non-disposable food. After we ate I quickly drew a sketch of the print and packed the backpack. Jake offered to carry it and I was more than relieved. Backpacks were never my thing, nor are chairs with backs.

The hike seemed long and hard, being on foot meant that traveling was slower. And at times harder too, but we could go into tight places that the bikes couldn't. Sometimes I thought I heard something and would tap Jake's shoulder twice. It was our little signal back at school when we ditched classes. Two taps means that I heard something, three and someone's coming, one and we're good to go. We stood, listening... waiting... I could hear our hearts beating in anticipation and couldn't help but to feel like prey when it thinks its predictor is near.

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