Chapter 3

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3 weeks passed and I've learned one new thing about this 'thing' I have. As long as the sun doesn't make contact to my skin, I won't burn. Which I guess, is good.  I got up and got dressed.  Stumbling down the stairs the owner popped his head out his office door,

"Michael, I want the pay for the last 2 weeks you've been staying here."

My eye's widened as I didn't have his money. I'll pay it tonight, I just got to get it."

"I don't believe you."

"Look, take my.." I said as I searched for something valuable to give

"Take my life line." Handing him a scrumbled up piece of paper, he stared at it.

"Don't lose it, I need it." I said smiling  as I opened te glass door's to leave.

I purposely walked passed the flower shop Kamii works at.

"HEY STRANGER!" Shouted a familier and excited voice. As I turned a gust of wind came crashing onto my face as Kamii hugged me, the type of hug that's locked in a tight hug that you can't release. She let go and looked at me smiling, I never took my eye's of her's. Her eye's were unique, one was piercing blue and the other piercing green. They're beatiful.

"What?" She asked still smiling. Realizing I'd been staring at her I quickly said nothing. She laughed,

"let's go for a walk." She said taking my arm,  I nodded. We walked around allowing our bodies to take us anywhere.

"I really just wanted to talk to you, for someone to... Just listen.  I just needed to get away from everything... stuff's been happening."

"Like what, Kamii?"

"Around about the time I met you. I started dating this guy, I really loved him but he was in like a gang type thing."

" 'Loved'?"

"Yeah, I was kind of hoping you wouldn't notice that. I don't know if I love him anymore."

She looked at me

"I think I love someone else." She looked back down at the floor.

"Tell them you love them. You never know, they might love you too." I said with the best possible advice I can think of.

"What if he doesn't love me back."

"Then you know he's not worth your time because your obviously not worth his. Anyway, what guy wouldn't love you, your gorgeous." Kamii laughed. We headed back to her little flower shop, a guy standing with a group of other guys were there. I guessed that was her infamous boyfriend she talked about.

"Great." Kamii whispered.

"That's him?"

"Yea and he looks annoyed. Michael, I'll see you later. If he see's you with me, he might hurt you."

I followed her request, I smiled then left. I don't think he saw me. That's good atleast.

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