"I'll go talk to him." I said as I began heading upstairs. I felt Dylan's hand grab my wrist.

"Elissa, don't." He pleaded. I pulled my arm away from him, and went after Norman. I knew Norman will be hurt, but I couldn't care less. After what he had done, he kinda deserved it.

"Where is mother?" He burst open the doors into every room of the house trying to look for her, until he reached my door. I could see he was growing frustrated and was losing his patience by the minute.

"Your mother Norman...is in Jail." His eyes grew wide.

"What?!" He screamed. His face turned bright red from the anger building up inside of him as I explained what happened.

"The police came over and took your mum away. She killed my uncle. They handcuffed her and took her down at the station."I could feel tears slowly building up inside my eyes and I tried my best to hold them in. I was upset by the fact that he had kept this from me all this time, and it took this whole time for me to find out the truth. His whole face dropped.

"What you think I wouldn't find out Norman? I was gonna find out sooner than later. This is my uncle we are talking about. You had no right to keep this from me! I deserved to know." I could feel slowly rage and resentment overpower my other emotions inside me. "I was confused at first. I didn't know what or why she was accused, and then your brother told me what happened."

"Dylan told you?!" He spat.

"Yes he told me, and he did the right thing telling me. But I should have known sooner. I can't believe you or your mum would do that to me. Every time I brought him up in front of Norma, I felt guilty as if I had done or said something wrong. But no, it was to cover up the fact that you and your mum were in this all along, and she was the one who killed him."

"How dare you talk about mother like that!" He roared, whilst he pushed me.

"Whoa, Norman, calm it." Dylan interrupted as he ran up the stairs. He turned to face his brother. "No Dylan! I am NOT gonna calm down! I have had enough of you sticking up for her. All she's ever done since she's come is ruin this family."

"I've ruined this family? The last time I checked your Mother killed my uncle!"

"Because he raped her Elissa!" he screeched.

"That doesn't mean he deserved to die!"

"You don't know what you're talking about Elissa you weren't there."

"Your mother deserves to be there right now after what she did. Oh and don't accuse me of keeping secrets, we all know who does that around here!"

His face turned red and was filled with fury. I was expecting something harsh to come out of his mouth, but instead, he took his hand and gripped it forcefully around my neck. I never expected someone like Norman to be physically strong but he really surprised me. He backed me up against the wall. His hand gripped tight and he pushed me high up, my feet were off the ground.

Dylan ran up to his brother and tried to tackle him, but in no time Norman used his free hand and punched Dylan in his face. I watched as he lost his balance and fell. His nose started to pour out blood.

"I hate you Elissa! You've ruined everything, you will pay!" He screamed, as spat flew across his mouth. I tried to move his hands away from my neck but he only put even more pressure on it, making it harder to breathe by the second.

"Norman, get your damn hands off her!" Dylan came from behind and tried to pull Norman off of me. Dylan managed to grab him and he threw him on the other side of the wall.

I fell to the floor with a thud. I was so glad I was able to breathe again, though I could still as if Norman's hand was still gripped on to me. I grabbed my neck from where he hurt me.

"Are you insane?! You almost choked her!" Dylan shouted as he held his brother against the wall.

"Yeah go on be a big boy and be the hero again" Norman replied shouting in his brother's face. He pushed Dylan off of him and turned to look at me. Dylan stood in front of him just in case he would try something again. I gave Norman a resentful look, while he gave me a threatening one in return. After a minute although it felt like forever, he walked away. Dylan punched his hand in the wall, causing me to jump slightly. He stayed put for a moment or two before turning around to face me.

"What the hell what you thinking Elissa?!" He yelled.

"What was I thinking? None of this is my fault Dylan."

"You could have gone for a calmer approach." He offered me a hand but I refused it. I used the wall to help myself onto my feet.

"He deserved what he got Dylan. Besides, you should be saying that to him, since he was the one who strangled me!"

"Maybe what he did was wrong, but don't try to cover up your mistakes. I told you not to say anything. You know what maybe you need to keep that mouth of yours shut for once." I was gobsmacked. My mouth literally just opened. I stared at Dylan. He was unbelievable with not just what he said to me, but also the fact that he was sticking up for his psycho brother.

"Excuse me?!" that was it, he took it too far.

"You know what Dylan? You won't need to hear anything that comes out from my mouth anymore because we are done. Goodbye."

I stormed off down the stairs and out of the house, slamming the front door shut. I went down the concrete steps as I felt the cool, midnight breeze brush against my face. Everything was dark, except the sign that read 'Bates motel' which was glowing bright blue. A street lamp nearby was lit on as well. I saw two cars and a grey van parked up ahead; probably those who booked to stay over a night or more. But other than that darkness filled the sky. Tears streamed out of my eyes as I paced back and forth. I was unsure about what to feel anymore; the letter, the lies, Norman and Norma. I was even questioning Dylan. After what felt like forever, I had calmed myself down. I decided to ask Emma if I could spend the night at her house even though it was almost two in the morning. I wiped my tears from my face and took out my phone from my pocket. I dialled Emma's number into my phone. Before I had the chance to even press call I instantly felt a cloth cover my mouth and nose. I struggled to breathe and began to fight whoever it was who caught me. I thrashed my arms everywhere, trying to get out of their firm grasp, but each try was becoming more and more hopeless. Almost seconds later, my body started to feel very weak. My vision started to blur and my eyes were too heavy to stay open. My legs gave in. Before I knew it, I had fallen into oblivion.


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