Chapter 1

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As I pack the last of my bags I begin to get more excited. I'm finally breaking free from my mothers tight grasp on how my life should be lived. The feeling surging through my body right now is unbelievable, I mean I honestly feel like I won the lottery. Allow me to elaborate on my life. My name is Asha Brown and I'm 19 years old. I'm finally escaping from my mother and controlling ways. For some reason my mother has always been obsessed with perfection. As for my father, well he's known as donor #1422. Yup my mother even went as far as making sure I came out just the way she wanted by picking out a sperm donor. She picked an African American male with an IQ of 142 and in her words "had the qualities to make a perfect child." Can you understand why I'm so excited to get away now? Don't get me wrong I love my mother but it just gets to be too much sometimes. I've dealt with an overwhelming amount of pressure from her my entire life. As a child I always thought I had to be perfect or she wouldn't love me and as I got older I only did it so she wouldn't pester me.

I'm just ready to be myself or at least discover who the real me is. I honestly don't even know how to be my own individual. I'm so used to living my mother's life that I don't know how to live my own. To me none of that even matters because I'm getting away and I'm going to the college of my dreams, Virginia State University. I was shocked I was even allowed to pick my own college but my shock didn't last that long once my mom told me my major had to be in nursing even though that's the last thing I wanted to do.

"Are you still packing? I told you to pack so you could be prepared weeks ago." My mother saod peaking her head in my room.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm just getting the last of what I need mom." She just shook her head and walked away. I sighed deeply counting down the seconds until I would leave here.


The day had finally come when it was time for me to leave. As we drove to the airport my heart rate sped up.

"Are you sure you want to go so far?"

"Ma it's not even that far."

"It's far enough I don't see why you couldn't just stay in Atlanta." My mother said.

"Just because." I said getting aggravated.

"You know that's never been a valid answer."

I didn't even reply. I just put my ear buds in and stared out the window. Not too long after we arrived to the airport. We waited and not too long after my flight was called.

"Well I guess this is it." My mom said standing in front of me. "I wish you would just stay here."

"Mom I gave it a shot for a year but I want to go to my dream school."

"Alright let me know how that nursing program treats you."

"Ok mom." I said sighing.

"I love you and don't forget to call everyday oh and when you get there." She said pulling me into a hug.

"I love you too and I will." After our hug she left and I boarded my flight. Once it took off it set in that my life is finally starting. This is the happiest day of my life. The flight was only an hour and some change so I didn't bother to go to sleep. We got there in no time and I was in an uber to Petersburg. As soon as I stepped foot onto the campus I felt refreshed. The first thing I did was find my advisor.

"Well hello I'm Mrs.Williams." A caramel toned woman said extending her arm to shake my hand.

"Hi, I'm Asha Brown."

"Well is there anything I can do for you Ms.Asha?"

"Actually yes there is. I would like to change my major."

Decided to do something new. It's a little sliw right now but trust me things will get crazy later on. Hope I get more feedback on this one. Thanks.
Asha in the MM.

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