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Sometimes i wonder,
What to feel when u are a refugee,
There is home but no family,
Memories built but then,
Everything disappeared,
Just like the dust swept by the wind,

I wonder,
Why no one cares to see,
The wrinkles of pain in their faces,
Yeah maybe,
because we are not in their shoes,
We dont know ,
Dont know what hunger is,
What it feels to lose someone,
What it feels to be ignored,
What it feels to be a REFUGEE.

I wonder,
Why the world is so silent,
Like nothing happened,
Nothing happened to my family,
There in syria,palestine and too many places to state..

May we never forget,
To spend at least a second ,
To pray for them.

I miss my old Syria.. My سوريا

The Green Girl (my first collection of poems)Where stories live. Discover now