My Only Friend

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I've gone to this Skool for years. No, Skool doesn't sound right... Solid building of acid. That sounds better. I've always been bullied, all my life. Its awful. But, it's time to start another day...

I walk up to the building, and start hearing the insults. "Hey, guys look! It's a great honor to present.... Queen of the Uglies!" "Hey, Mercy, you ever think of not dressing for your funeral?" "No, not likely, she has to dress like that someday she'll cry herself to death!"
There were more, and more, and more... I felt tears strike my eyes, as I ran into the school and into the bathroom. I run into a stall, there I sat and cried, and cried, and cried. Until I heard a familiar voice say, "Mercy, come out. I know your in here."
"Coming." I say and step out of the stall, and see Gaz, my friend Dibs younger sister.
"Hey, Gaz." I say
"Dib told me to get you, he's waiting in the hallway, no other kids are out there anymore, but I'm going to class." Gaz says
"Okay, see you at lunch." I say
"Yeah, whatever." She says and walks away
I walk out if the bathroom, and see Dib leaning against the wall on the other side of the hall, he smiles as I walk over to him. "Mercy, nice to see you today."
"Yeah." I mumble
"Don't be like that, be happy." Dib says
"How?" I ask, "I've forgotten."
"Forgotten how to be happy?" Dib asks "that's impossible."
"Not when you battle depression." I point out
"You can still be happy."
"I can fake it, but they know if I'm fake or not..."
"I don't think they know, but I do." Dib says
"I know, Membrane, you know me to well." I admit
"We had better get to class." Dib says
"Oh shit! Your right!" I say
And we rushed to class, we took our seats right as the bell rang.

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