Seven- Honey

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PJ paced around outside the gym, fuming. He was pissed because of what Seth said but more so he was completely outraged with himself for still letting anything to do with Ruby to get to him. He needed to get over her, no matter what it took, he didn't want to miss her anymore. She had torn his heart out and ripped it to shreds,

"Uggggh" he growled in frustration as he continued to pace around almost stomping, why couldn't he get her out of his mind?!

"Are you ok?" He heard a voice ask softly, he turned to see Lía shielding her eyes from the sun as she watched him pace like a changed wolf,

"I'm fine thanks" he muttered sighing

"Oh...ok then" she wanted to help him, but she wondered if the girl from the picture of which she hasn't managed to see was the girl who had broken his heart. Whoever it was he obviously wasn't over her, and for whatever reason that bothered her, but he obviously didn't want to bothered, so she turned to leave, she definitely didn't want to train with Roman there watching her every move.

"You're leaving?" He asked as he turned in time to see her trudging away, "so soon?", she liked back surprised,

"Yeah I really don't want to deal with Roman today" she sighed, "I think I'll just go for a run at the beach" she shrugged

"Good resistance with the sand and all" he nodded, he found her a good distraction from his anger

"Yeah good for calve muscles" she shrugged, why did she always clam up around him?

"It's probably not a good idea for me to go back there...or I might rearrange Seth's face"

"More?" Asked Lía "I don't think that's possible"

"Oh believe me it's possible" he muttered "I should probably just head back to...shit Seth is staying with Roman too, I can't see his face, I might just" he let out a growl

"So what're you going to do?"

"I'll probably just go get my things and stay at a hotel, it's best" he shrugged

"That need a ride?" She asked, surprising herself with how forward she was

"Really? Thanks, it's best to go now while they're not there"

"Ok cool, let's go" she looked around nervously hoping the boys didn't see them, they got in her car and drove toward Romans, she found it kind of awkward, luckily the drive was a short one as she pulled up to the small house her uncle had bought for her cousin. He got out quickly and hurried inside, luckily he knew how to pick locks as he let himself in and grabbed his things flinging it back in suitcase, on his way out he passed Seth's open room and saw his suitcase, just laying there, practically begging to be messed with.





"Where's Lía?" Asked Roman angrily when he realized she hadn't come out of the locker room yet.

"You saw her go into that locker room to change" Josh rolled his eyes, he wasn't really behind the ideas of forcing Lía to get married with anyone let alone the guy she hated.

"Yeah she probably doesn't want to come out on account of the fact that you treat her like shit" Jonathan added,

"How I treat MY fiancé is MY business," Roman growled, the twins glared at him, "and I'll make her come out, even if I have to bust the door down and drag her out by her hair"

"You lay one fucking finger on her Joe-" Josh began but was cut off by Roman grabbing him by the neck,

"It's Roman now" he smirked, Jonathan charged toward him but was blocked off by Dean and a bleeding Seth, "now what is it you said you'd do?"

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