Cicada Time

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Early in the morning

as the sun begins

it's slow climb out of bed

the beetles are already up

and showering in the

morning dew

aunt Sara and uncle Bob

are already hanging up

the morning washing

the spider and the

fly are already

playing the game of life

little Jimmy

and Naughty Jon

have already lost a ball

and the ant and

termite empires are

already hard hard at war

As the golden round

reaches the hight

of its reign

aunt Sara and uncle Bob

have passed out on the bed;

the majority of their clothes lie haphazardly in their stead

little Jimmy and Naughty Jon

are lying under a tree;

their skin dotted with the drops of water from their earlier swimming spree


the beetles are still

hard at work gathering

food for the night

the spider and the

fly have yet

to return to their stalls

and the ant and

termite empires

are still building up their walls.

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