An Actual Question

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MarisaWheeler7: Question to Jack and Mark~ You know you two are probably the two most adorable people right? I know we take septiplier as a joke but... would you ever consider dating? You two really do seem perfect for each other, the way you make each other laugh and smile...

Author and Me fall over laughing at Anti's expression.

Mark: We are both heterosexual.

Jack: 'Nuff said!

Dark falls over laughing too.

Jack smiles and Mark also starts laughing.

After a few minutes, everyone is laughing. Author sobers up.

Author: She means, if you were bi or gay, would you?

Me: Why you assuming the comment-er is a she?

Author: Marisa.

Me: Psh! Whatever.

Author punches Me in the face. Me collapses.

Mark: Yeah.

Jack: He refused my proposal and accepted EVIE'S! OF ALL PEOPLE MARK. So it's his loss.

Everyone besides Jack falls over laughing, getting hurt in the process of trying not to laugh. Trin walks in and walks over to Jack, who wasn't laughing but smiling.

Trin: What's going on? Why is everyone laughing.

Jack: Mark refused my proposal but accepted Evie's.

Trin smiles awkwardly.

Trin: I saw that. Evie totally burned him afterwards,

Jack: Yup! But he burned me too. In front of actual people. Then WADE of all people comforted me.

Trin smiled even more at that.

Trin: It's okay, Jack. It's okay.

Trin vanishes in pinkish-green flame. Author stops laughing.

Author: No! I needed to know when your sequel to the great story! That I totally forgot the name of already.

Sorry! >.<

Jack waves and eats a cookie.

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