"I can't ask you to do that."

"I'm offering, go."

She glanced at Iris, still sleeping and then back at him before giving a small nod.

He watched her gather a few things from her suitcase, casting nervous glances at him the entire time. Finally she kissed Iris on the forehead and scurried into the bathroom closing the door behind her. A few minutes later he heard the shower turn on and he eased into the chair she'd been sitting in.

Morgan hadn't been gone long at all when Iris made a tiny little squeak of a noise. He noticed now as he looked at her most of the tubes were gone, except for an IV and EKG monitor. She was breathing on her own.

She turned her head and her eyes fluttered open, they widened when she saw him and she shrank away a little with a frown, clutching one of the many stuffed toys.

"Hey, it's okay. Your mommy is in the shower."

"When's she coming back? She asked, her small voice was hoarse.

"Soon, I promise."

"My chest hurts," She said.

"I know but you're doing good, you're a very strong girl."

"Somebody shot me," She said knowingly.

"I know."

"Have you ever been shot?" She asked.

"A few times," He said, seeing no point in lying to her.

"Did people send you toys?"

"Not a lot."

"Zeke sended me this one"

She turned the animal she was clutching to display it for him. It was yellow and beaned shaped, wearing blue overalls with one green eye and one brown eye, it was also wearing glasses.

"That's uh......nice." He said.

She smiled happily at him and clutched the toy back to her tiny chest, he caught a glimpse of the ugly stitches just below her small collarbone.

The water in the bathroom turned off and he could hear Morgan moving around inside the bathroom. Iris had drifted back to sleep, probably due to the trauma and the medication she was on. The club had picked up on the bills and had spared no expense, she had a private room, the best doctor and enough medication she wouldn't feel any pain.

The bathroom door opened and Morgan padded out, barefoot with her wet hair hanging over her shoulders. She was wearing blue jeans and a large gray t-shirt.

"She was just up," He said as she slipped on some clean socks.

"She wakes up off and on."

"That's good, she's a fighter. She must get it from you."

"I don't know where she get's it from but I think I get it from her."

"How long until she gets out?"

"The doctor said maybe tomorrow night."

"I'll come pick you both up and take you back to the club, you'll be safe there and we have room."

For once in as long as he'd known her she didn't argue. She gave a small nod and pulled on a heavy gray sweatshirt.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.


"Has Lacy ever mentioned King?"

"King, like the president of the Aces?"


"A few times, I think they dated or something. Nothing to serious as far as I could tell," She said as she began to towel dry her hair.

"Do you think.....if he offered her a position she'd take it?" He asked gently.

"No, never. Lacy loves the MC."

He didn't know if he believed her or not. He took a deep breath and pushed from the chair to stand.

She glanced at him and continued to dry her hair, he turned his gaze once more to the tiny girl in the bed. Still clutching the stuffed bean, she was sleeping deeply.

"Call me when she's released,"he said


He reached out and lightly brushed one long finger against her tiny hand. So soft and so tiny. He pushed away whatever feeling he felt welling up inside of him. He turned abruptly and exited the room without so much as a goodbye to Morgan.

Every time he was around her he felt unstable, unbalance and out of control. He didn't like it, he didn't want to feel whatever he was feeling. He wanted to spend time with her and Iris, watching the small girl sleep he had felt a warmth spread through his chest and he knew he'd kill anyone who touched her.

Whatever was going on needed to stop and soon. He couldn't afford to go soft. He passed Sky without a word and walked towards the elevator, sliding on his sunglasses.

He had men waiting for him to give them orders, he didn't have time to sit and fuss over a kid that wasn't even his.

Lone Wolf *The Animals MC book one*Where stories live. Discover now