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I hear two heartbeats. One of them isn't mine. I wish I could find love in you. With you in me. But truth is cold as ice. The feelings in my heart are oxytocin-fed lies--fragile butterflies, dances under stretched skin. You kicking out to be free, tearing dark lines, thin linings. Drinking my blood, licking my bones. Breaking my life, my energy, my identity--warping my body to make me as deformed as you are: a lump of a parasite, absorbing everything you touch.

You forget that this body is mine. You're an intruder, a criminal forged in my flesh.

Now you're just a prisoner. Caged by my ribs. Awaiting the tightening of your noose: tangled umbilical cords.

And as long as I'm still here, you're not coming out.

Tokophobia - a fear of childbirth.

P.s Inspired by the 'phobias' book by @-aesthetically... Check it out and learn something new and beautiful every day

Hi, @-aesthetically senpai~ notice me~ /pouts

FLOWERS IN THE DARK ▷ POETRYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora