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I ran over to Cam, pulling Quinton off.

Cam's nose was gushing blood. his nose was obviously broken along with his now deformed arm. I lifted up his shirt and noticed the many bruises. I ran my hand gently up his side. he let out a loud pain scream.

"WHAT THE HECK TANZ?!" I screamed marching over to an ashamed Tanz. though I was expecting a yell back and probably a punch but she didn't move.

I slowly walked over to her, taking in shaky breaths

Quinton looked up at me, tears glistening in his eyes

"What's wrong with her" I asked

"ISN'T IT OBIVOUS?!" he yelled "YOUR BOYFRIEND...." his voice faltered


"SHUT THE FRIC UP!" he snapped "my sister wouldn't hurt anyone that badly if she didn't know that they did something or were going to do something bad" he retorted bitterly

this was a new Quinton. I was in awe at the way he trusted his sister and how much he cared for her. but I don't like the fact that he is yelling at me. or that he might be right.

"Just leave me alone" he said sadness covering his voice "This is your fault" he picked up Tanz and cradled her in his arms. then he took off running to Ayleen who then took out her phone and dialed a number. probably 911.

Quinton's voice rang in my head

This is your fault, my sister wouldn't hurt anyone that badly if she didn't know that they did something or were going to do something bad, this is all your fault. leave me alone

I stumbled over to Cam. and giving him a bitter glance I drew my arm back and punched him straight in the gut. he let out a blood curdling scream. he had to of done something or was going to do something bad. after I delivered the blow I ran over to the ambulance that had pulled up and hopped into the back before anyone could tell me other wise

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