"Isadore, I enjoyed the time we shared in D.C last weekend. You are truly the freak you make yourself out to be. I miss you, and don't forget our arrangements for New Years in a couple of months. I'm looking forward to spending the whole weekend with you in Paris. I love you, xoxo -AJ"

I felt sick. After all the crap he gave me about my sexuality, and the way he embarrassed Donyelle about being a transgirl, and he was DL this whole time?? I can't believe this! He disrespected this whole family, especially my mom. I hope she didn't get caught in all of this mess... 

There were at least fifty unread messages from this 'AJ' person. I clicked on the ones that were closest to recent.

           "New years was amazing, I can't believe we did that. I hope this year brings you blessings and happiness." 

This is disgusting. I am still in denial about this whole situation, even though it's sitting right in my face. I scroll down about five more, and click one that seemed urgent.

           "Izzy, call me ASAP! We need to talk about some things." 

I clicked the next one. 

       "Please reply to me. I don't know how long I can go without talking to you. It's really important."

The more I read, the angrier I got, and the more disgusted. I click the next one.

      "Isadore, I'm HIV positive. I am so sorry. Please go get yourself checked out, I hope I didn't hurt you. Please forgive me. I hope we can still work some things out." 

So this is where he got it from. That's what his lying ass gets, for dissing my mom like that. But I see, Isadore didn't ever click these messages, so how did he figure out that he needed to take the tests? Maybe someone else told him... Or AJ wasn't the one who gave it to him. Maybe Isadore gave it to AJ. Ugh! I can't even imagine what could've happened. I hear a sudden 'ding' noise come from the computer. I open it and its from AJ. 

        "I'm done with being ignored. Your well being is the least of my worries now. I'm telling your wife that you gave it to me. I looked back at my schedule, and yes I keep a schedule, and the last man I slept with before you, didn't have it. Neither did the man after, so the only solution was that you gave it to me. You're a disgusting slimey bastard and I hope you burn in hell!" 

I copied the link to his email, and sent it to myself. Then, I slammed the computer shut, grabbed the files, and immediately ran for my keys and shoes and was out of the door in seconds. I called my brother, and it went straight to voicemail. Then, I called his girlfriend, and the same happened. I thought that was kinda weird, and gross considering they were supposed to be in the same place at the same time, meaning if they couldn't answer the phone, they had to be... Ew... I called my mom, and she answered in a relaxed but stressed voice. 

"Hello, my darling. What are you up to?" She asks, in a sweet voice that sounds like Loretta Devine. 

"I'm on my way to you. I have some important news to tell you." I said.

"Hold on, baby, someone's calling me. And I don't know who this person is. It's a 925 number. Where is that?" She asks, ignoring my statement, as FUCKING USUAL.

"... California." I said. It had to be AJ. My mom put me on hold and I cursed and punched the steering wheel. After driving fifteen minutes into downtown, I made it to the Marriott. The valet took gladly hopped into my car, and parked it. Files in hand, and phone in the other, I walked in the hotel, looking as ratchet as I ever had, in a five-star facility. The concierge asked me who I was looking for, with her hand firmly hovering over the security button. 

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