Chapter Two. A Step Back.

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Darren was kind of upset that I didn't go into detail about his courageous acts so, here you go. A little taste of the beginning.


-5 Years Earlier-


"Officer Tomlinson, Officer Tomlinson, report, over." The walkie-talkie strapped to my hip crackled to life.

"Yes Bob? I'm here, over."

"Tomlinson, there's a problem over in Hyde Park, a couple of teenagers getting a little too rowdy. A young woman called saying she was hearing screaming back in the trees, we need you to check it out, over."

"Alright, I'm only a couple of miles away now."

"Take care, Tomlinson, over and out."

Man, they always send me on these runs. I hope there is not too much action in this one, just a little experience for the Rookie. I glanced over at the young man sitting next to me; his face was as pale as the moon. Poor kid, it is his first night out and he has to deal with all of this.

"Are you ready for this Johnson?" I asked him.

Mike Johnson turned and looked toward me, and although his skin seemed to have lost all pigment there was a dark daring flickering in his eyes.

"You bet I am partner," he responded in his deep, husky monotone, "as ready as I could ever be."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2013 ⏰

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