Chapter 18 - Kirsten

Start from the beginning

My feet seemed not to have any hurry to reach the place where she was, walking calmly as my eyes scanned the several titles on the shelves, letting myself look for something that might catch my eye. Unfortunately, I didn’t listen much to any kind of music, except the ones I was obligated to hear while working; and may I say, I didn’t like it at all. They always played too loud and all those beats were probably causing some damage to my ears. For that reason, nothing I looked at seemed interesting, so I just sighed and hurried a bit, finally focusing on Angel again.

At first I only saw her, but as soon as my gaze rose slightly, I realized she was being hugged by someone who lifted her from the floor and spun her around, messing with her hair as soon as her feet touched the ground again. Oh, God. I’d completely forgotten! Styles (was the easiest way to remember his name, considering the fact that his last name was a noun) worked at a CD store. He’d briefly mentioned it the last time we saw each other, and I swore I’d never, ever walk into a place like that downtown, just to be safe from bumping into him. But that had been weeks ago, I had occupied my mind with more important things and I completely forgot that.

Of course, my lack of luck had to bring me there, exactly when he was working. Why? Oh, God, why? I should’ve just drove Angel home. If she hadn’t done those puppy eyes I’d probably have avoided that situation, but now that I was there, there’s no way I could turn around and walk away.

“Seems like someone is shocked,” his deep voice echoed and I had to blink a couple of times before focusing on him again; when I finally did it, he had that usual and stupid grin on his face. “Hello, Kirsten. Nice to see you again.” Was he serious? What was his point after all?

“Yeah, yeah. I bet the little one here already told you what she wants, didn’t she?” I ignored his comment, trying to get that over once for all.

“She did,” Harry winked at her and Angel giggled, cringing a bit in sheer excitement. “And I bet that girl right there can help you,” this time he talked directly to the blonde kid in front of him, pointing at some other employee that was sitting on a loveseat quite near from where we were. “Talk to her and she’ll get you the LP babe.”

Angel literally ran towards the lady, a smile lighting up her features from ear to ear as she did so. She was definitely the definition of a fan. If someday she had the fortune to meet Phil Collins I don’t think she’d survive, I really don’t. The mere thought scared the hell out of me ‘cause I truly believed her heart would stop beating.

“She’s adorable,” Harry said again, bringing me back from my thoughts and making me look at him with my arms still crossed against my chest.

“She is,” I agreed, taking a last glimpse of Angel before totally turning to him. “You have Phil Collins’ LP’s for sale in here? That’s basically extinct.”

“Well, we don’t have it usually,” were his only words, and I wondered what he meant by that. Though I didn’t have the chance to ask him, ‘cause soon after he changed the subject. “You know, the pills you gave me that night really helped. Thanks.”

“No problem, I just have a great soul.” Though I uttered the words seriously, with not even a hint of sarcasm and humor behind them, Harry still laughed as if I’d told him the best joke he’d ever heard. Maybe he had mental issues, who’d know?

Once he was about to say something else, Angel came back and pulled my shirt slightly, literally shaking – shaking! – with the LP tightly attached to her digits. “Kirs, Kirs! I have it. It’s mine now.” I couldn’t help the smile from forming on my lips as I watched her press the material she had on her hands against her chest and close her eyes while hugging it. “How much is it?” She asked to the lady on her side this time, withering when she heard what she didn’t want to. She then looked at me with pleading eyes, pressing her obsession harder against her body while whispering “Kirs, I don’t have it all. Can you pay what’s missing and I’ll ask my mum to give it to you later? Please?”

I was about to say yes, able to do anything for that girl – my angel – even if I had to use my own money, but Harry didn’t let me say a thing.

“No, no. Take it. It’s my late birthday present to you.” He said, and the previous glow Angel had in her eyes came back in less than a sec.

“Oh my God, you serious? Thank you so much, Haz!” She jumped on him, making him bend down so she could wrap her arms around his neck and kiss his cheek.

‘Haz’?! What kind of intimacy was that? Since when did he get so close to my little girl? That was so abusive!

“C’mon, give it to me and I’ll wrap it for you. Just pretend you don’t know what it is, ok?” He said again, and Angel excitedly nodded, still smiling like an idiot (I mean it in a good way.)

Styles walked to behind the counter and noted something in a paper, shoving it into the pocket of his jeans right after. Once he was done with wrapping her LP, he handed it back to her, kissing the top of her head before taking a look at the watch on his wrist.

“Hey, Angel. I’m free from work in 15 minutes, would you like me to take you to the best cupcake store ever? If the big one here agrees, of course,” he looked at me and so did Angel, those puppy eyes coming back so easily it amazed me how fast she could persuade me.

“C’mon Kirs, I’m starving,” her sweet voice was maybe way too sweet. I looked at Harry, and he had that same look on his face. How did he do that? The show off grin was completely gone, and he totally looked like an abandoned starving dog.

“You are terrible,” I sighed, nodding slightly and hearing both of them cheering and high-fiving, recognizing that I had gave into their purpose.

Next to the rich guy, it would be the most annoying trip to the cupcake store ever.


●•Author's Note•●

dedication goes to:  @LishaHastings for suggesting 'Fly Again' by Nikki Williams for the Damaged playlist. That song is so accurate for their relationship I nearly cried. No jokes.

note: Please keep sending suggestions for the Damaged playlist on my fanfics blog ( Just send me an ask.

next update: Tueday (June 18th, 2013)

Best comment on this one gets a dedication on next. Love you all lots, Dani xx

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