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Lilian had always been a good runner, a natural gift she got from her father. But even then, running full speed across the Brooklyn bridge would tired anyone out. Her legs burned with every step, lungs ready to give out. But she could still hear the man's thundering footsteps behind her, the only thing motivating her onwards. His dark laughter rang throughout the quiet city, nearly causing Lilian to trip over her feet.

"Bad move girl. Nowhere for you hide here, I know every inch of Brooklyn," his maniacal laugh pumping Lilian with even more fear. She barely knew anything about Brooklyn, let alone how to navigate it. But she had her head start and used it to her advantage. Weaving down side alleys and taking random turns, she hoped that her pursuer was as lost as she was. But just her luck, less than a minute since she stopped to catch her breath those dreaded footsteps seemed closer than ever. She took off once again, only to collide with a solid object. With a muffled squeak, Lilian and the object fell hard to the sidewalk beneath them.

When the object let out a pained "oomph" and grabbed her arms for support she realized it wasn't an object, but a boy. Looking down at the boy she had completely run over, her heart nearly leaped out of her chest. His sandy blonde hair, which had been neatly tucked beneath his newsboy hat now lay spread underneath his head. He looked to be around her age, no older than sixteen. His plaid shirt was laid open, exposing the white button up he wore below it, which was also unbuttoned low and revealed the top of his smooth chest. He wore a single chain, to which the end disappeared where their bodies met. Glancing down, she could see that the object stabbing at her hip was the top of the infamous pimp cane tucked into the boy's bright red suspenders. She scrambled to her feet, body trembling once again as Spot Conlon rose up, his icy blue eyes staring her down.

"They's a much easier way ta grab my attention doll face," He chuckled, rolling his sleeves back up to above his elbow. Lilian's mouth had gone dry, her apology stuck in her throat. Before she could find her voice, someone else spoke up.

"Found you," The man's grizzly voice snarled. Lilian yelped and turned to run, but Spot quickly grabbed her wrist, stopping her cold.

"'Nd who are you to be chasin' this fine young lady around my streets, huh?" Spot puffed out his chest, taking a step closer. Lilian had her stories of Spot's never wavering courage, and she thought it was a shame it was about to get both of them killed.

"This doesn't concern you, boy," The man spat, staring the newsie down.

"It does actually," Spot stated in a matter of fact tone, "because incase ya haven't noticed, ya in Brooklyn. An' anythin' that happens in Brooklyn is my concern. So, I'd get lost if I's was ya, before ya really make me mad." Spot concluded with a hard shove to the man's chest, causing him to stumble back. When he regained his balance, Lilian was surprised there wasn't steam blowing out of his ears.

"You shouldn't have done that." The man growled, throwing his arm forward in a punch. His movements were sluggish, allowing Spot to dodge it. In an instant, Spot had already landed a hard punch to the man's nose and a sickening popping noise filled the empty streets. The man howled in pain, quickly clutching his face. When he pulled his hand away, his nose was bent at an awkward angle and blood pouring out at an alarming rate. The man's eyes were so clouded in hate they almost looked black.

"I'm gonna kill you, you fucking rat." The man lunged at the newsie, Lilian choking back a scream. In an instant, Spot stepped out of the way, whipping out his cane and smashing it into the man's cheek. Howling in pain, the drunk stumbled into the street. As he stood, Spot rammed the cane into his protruding stomach, bending him into a right angle. Spot slammed his fist into his other cheek, knocking to man to the pavement.

"Stand up 'nd fight like a man," Spot snarled in disgust, kicking the man in the stomach to prod him. Spitting out blood, the man rose wearily to his knees where Spot laid his final blow to the jaw. The man fell the to cobblestones unconscious, Spot nudging him with his foot to make sure. Lilian choked back her silent sobs, jumping as Spot finally turned to address her.

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