Football Fan Tag

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When did you first become a fan of football?
Little story here: I was born May 5, it was a Sunday. I was little over 2 hours old. So as my parent tell the story it goes that there was a Cruz Azul game that same day I was born. So my dad being the football fan he is, left my mom, me and my sister in the hospital to go watch the game at home. My dad says that at that time, Cruz Azul was his passion. He even had a poster that says "Que Dios Bendiga Cruz Azul" (which I have now) But my dad says that God punished him. Because he had left me in the hospital, Cruz Azul lost that game against Monarcas. To be honest, I don't even blame him, I would have probably done the same thing too.

But anyways back to the question... I've love football, every since I was a little girl. My dad played football all his life too, so as a little kid I would always go to his games on Saturdays or Sundays depending. Anyways, when I was about 4 years old, my dad got me my first football cleats and I would wear them everywhere. That's when football became a thing for me. I didn't have football fever or passion until the 2014 World Cup. I remembering seeing Mexico's games and feeling proud inside. That's when I knew I was a real football fan.

Who are your most favorite footballers?
I honestly don't know... first off, Carlos Hermosillo (LEGEND), Conejo Perez (LEGEND), Miguel "Superman" Marin ( LEGEND). (In 319 games he played as a goalkeeper with Cruz Azul he only received 298 goals which is a record that no goalkeeper has been able to break in la liga mx and also making his a Cruz Azul legend..) Chichadios, everyone on Mexico nt and the entire Cruz Azul squad.

Any favorite football managers?
Tomás Boy bc it's super funny seeing him mad at the refs. Watch Cruz Azul vs Santos and you'll see what I'm talking about. Plus his victory dance when he was at Atlas was hilarious.

What are your favorite football clubs and why?
Cruz Azul. To be honest I think it's been past down by generation. My grandfather loved Cruz Azul since they were a local team filled with cement workers. I think that's why I also love the team. Cruz Azul had humble beginnings. The team was full of non-professionals when they first started out. Just workers from the cement company that the team is named after (Cemento Cruz Azul) They moved up from a local team to a 1st division team fairly quickly. Cruz Azul no tenia infancia, nacio grande. Cruz Azul represented the working class, which drew my grandfather to the team. For me Cruz Azul isn't just a team, it's a story which touched many people. It was an inspiration for everyone at the time. We were the first Mexican team to make it the final of Copa Libradores. Youngest to make 7 titles. Currently holds the record for longest wining streak. 50 years and 8 league titles :) 
The word "subcampeonisimo" is banned at my house. My father also never, ever wants to hear nor see the 8 total finals we've lost, especially the América one.

Side note: That goal was not from Muñoz , it was an autogoal. Alejandro Castro hit the ball with his left foot which cause it to go into the net.. if he hadn't touch it, Corona would have caught it easy. (sorry still bitter about it >.<)

What are your most favorite national teams and why?
Mexico obviously. My dad would see any game they played so it was definitely a part of my life since forever. Mexican fans have this passion and this pride that I can't explain. It's like no other. Even when our national team was going through tough times, I saw Mexican fans at every game no matter what which makes them so awesome. " Ehh puto" is also pretty awesome if you think about it.

Have you been to any football matches? Which ones?
Cruz Azul vs Pumas (friendly)
I traveled 2 hours from SD to LA to see them at the LA Coliseum and it was the best experience of my life. I saw Chaco, and Joao. It was really cool to see my idols on the field playing it was really special.

Do you own any jerseys? Which ones?
Yes, I do.
Cruz Azul 2014/2015 home jersey
Cruz Azul 50 year anniversary jersey
Cruz Azul 2008 home jersey
Cruz Azul 2009 goalkeeper jersey
Real Madrid Chicharito home jersey
Real Madrid Chicharito away jersey
Brazil jersey

Which matches would you like to go to?
Any Cruz Azul, Real Madrid, Bayer Leverkusen, or Mexico game would be my dream.

Which jersey would you like to own?
Any jersey with any player of Cruz Azul. Same goes with Real Madrid.
Chicharito Bayer Leverkusen jersey
JJ Corona Mexico Jersey
Chicharito Mexico Jersey
Giovanni Dos Santos Mexico jersey
Jonathan Dos Santo Mexico jersey
I can go own forever but those are my main ones...

Do your group of friends also love football as much as you?
Yes and no. My female friends aren't as big of a football fan as I am but my guy friends are. They are major football junkies and will honestly die to keep football alive, so it's a nice balance of things.

Have you met any footballers?
Sadly, no. *Sad face emoji here*

Which footballers would you like to meet?
I would like to meet Chaco Gimenez, JJ Corona, Joao Rojas, basically anyone on Cruz Azul or Mexico nt or Real Madrid.

Thank you claryvette for tagging me in this. Now I tag: Just_A_Neymar_FanX SillyHooligan _jenny_xd footballerbabe98 chelseatrash TeenageNeymarfan
Please do it! It would be cool to know your stories!


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