One Shot!

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Ichigo's POV

I was waiting for Makoto in the garden. He told me to wait for him there. Well, I didn't call him Kashino anymore, I used his given name since we are already dating.

"Ichigo! Sorry, I'm late", I saw him running towards me. This is really not him. Well, he is always early than me. ALWAYS. But it seems this is a miracle. 

Looking at his face, I remember his confession yesterday and that err--- kiss we made in the bushes. It was very embarrassing that Vanilla and the others saw what we did.

"Your slow", I said while looking at him. He just gave me a bad look. No. An angry one. But then I just wash that face with my smile and went walking before him. He just following me from behind then suddenly I stopped and wait for him. 

Vanilla and the others aren't here because the Queen called them. Dunno what the reason is. 

"Ihhh...", I quickly screamed when Makoto hold my left hand. I looked at him, embarrassingly.

"Umm.. Makoto. Stop holding my hand. We are in the academy, ye know? What if anyone sees us?"

"Haha.. I don't care. Well, it's too late. Everyone is staring at us, right now", he smirked and that made me look at my surroundings. Yeah right. Everyone is staring at us. Wait! EVERYONE!!! This is so embarrassing! I looked at Makoto's face and it's red as a tomato as mine. Oh my.. What should I do?

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, DARLING?!!!!!!!!", Miya-senpai suddenly sprouted in front of us with her angry face. Darling, your face! 

"Meaning of what, senpai? I'm just holding my GIRLFRIEND's hand. Something wrong with it? And also, don't call me darling", Makoto answered Miya-senpai's question with his sadist face. Oh my, I just remembered.... Did he just said Girlfriend?!!!!!!!!!

"Makoto!", I whispered to him. Grr... My face is so hot!

"Girlfriend?!", Miya-senpai said with her shivering voice and kneel down. When she noticed what she is doing, she ran away. Wow, that was fast. Really fast.

Makoto and I continued walking until we finally reached my classroom. He just said goodbye and went to his room. We are not classmates anymore. Remember? He just jumped to second year?

When I entered the room, everyone is looking at me. Well, staring at me. I went to my chair besides Rumi-chan. She is really staring at me too.

"Ichigo-chan! Congratulations!!!!", Rumi-chan suddenly hugged me tightly.

Yumiero Patissiere (Ichigo and Kashino Fanfic) >>One Shot<<Where stories live. Discover now