7) Legolas and Alfrid

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Legolas spent his whole day slaying. Well of course he SLAYS but I meant orcs. Slashing and stabbing orcs here and there. But he stopped in the middle of killing one when he saw a freaky looking creature staring at him from a distance. Running up to it, he stopped and asked, "What are you?" The creature snarled and said "I'm Alfrid ya idiot." Legolas's face was of pure horror. He didn't know whether to run, scream or kill it. But then he noticed something.

"What is that on your face?" He asked.

"What is what on my face?"


"That what?"

"THAT." Legolas shouted, pointing at the spot in between Alfrid's eyebrows. "I don't know what you are talking about, Elf."

"It's just.." Legolas began. "It's right there.. I just wanna.." He pinches his fingers together and pretended to pluck the middle of his eyebrows. Alfrid knitted his eyebrows together in confusion oh wait they're alREADY TOGETHER so he really didn't have to do anything with his face.

"Anyways, what are you doing here in the wild you piece of filth?" Legolas asked. "I don't normally come out here. But when I do, I browse." Legolas held back his laughter, little tears slipping from his eyes. "Yes, yes you do." Then Alfrid began walking away. "WAIT!" Shouted Legolas. "What?" Alfrid said. "LOOK OVER THERE!" Alfrid turned to where Legolas was pointing to. He punched him in the face, knocking him out. Legolas took out some tweezers and began doing Alfrid's eyebrows.

"EYEBROWS ON FLEEK" he screamed as he bursted into flames and then died. The end.

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