The Meeting

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"Mom, is that Cody Simpson!? He shouldn't be here until tomorrow!" I said, confused.

              "Well, he contacted me to make sure everything was still planned and okay. Then he thought it would be nice to come down and surprise you," she said.

              "How could you not tell me? This is a really big secret!" I said, in shock.

              I ran out of the car and into the house as fast as I could. I didn't want him to see me like this. I went up and got changed. I slipped into a Nici Minaj tee, short faded shorts, with a blazer over top. 

              "Lacey! Get down here! Your guests are waiting for you!" my mom yelled up.

              "Sorry I was putting my clothes away," I said, trying to hold in my inner child!

              Cody and Shawn were waiting at the door with my mom! Cody looked so cute ! He was smiling now. I love when he smiles. It brightens up the world! 

              "It's okay! I don't mind waiting around for a bit," Cody said.

              "Alright! So can you try to have her home by midnight?" my mom said.

              "I most certainly will! See ya later! Lacey, come with us! We have loads to talk about," Cody said.

              "Like what?" I asked.

              "Well, I would like to tell you a little about myself and my family. Then, I would like you to tell me a little about yourself. After all, these next couple of days will be spent with me and my family!" Cody informed me.

              "I guess you're right! I don't want to be the awkward tag along!" I said, admittingly.

              He put his hand on the small of my back and led me out to the limo. He opened my door and we got in.

             "So how long have you been a fan of mine?" Cody asked.

"Since the very beginning! I saw you in your first magazine photo shoot and became a fan right on the spot!" I replied.

              "If you don't mind telling me, what makes me so special and easy to like? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to though! I've just always been curious," he said.

              I could feel my face turning red. I knew that he wanted the answer. 

             I then continued to answer, "Well, for starters, your hair is totally adorable, You have a voice like an angel, you're super cute and nice, you can dance like it's your job, and you're a charmer. Is that good enough?" I said as fast as I could.

               My face was hot with embarrassment. Although it helped to see that he was smiling.

              "Well thank you. I never understood why people liked me as soon as I became famous. I'm the same boy I was when I was in Australia, ya know?" he said.

              "I understand, but you have to realize, almost none of your fans knew you until you came into the U.S.. We live on the Internet; when you got discovered, and your song came out, we all listened and became fans. Not just because you were famous." I reassured him.

               "It means so much to hear you say all of this. How about dinner; on me?" he asked.

              I was returning to my childish excitement. I was having dinner with Cody Simpson! I know he's not intending it like that, but I will take all the chances I can get, to spend time with Cody.

I saw him looking at me waiting for my response. I nodded slightly with a smile on my face. He gave a quick nod and returned to smile. The limo came to a stop, we were at the beach.

               He was showing me around. It was packed with trailers and moving trucks; sound equipment everywhere. He asked where we should go for dinner.

              "How far are you willing to go?" I jokingly asked, yet it had a serious tone.

              "It doesn't matter to me, but let's stay in Ohio, aye?" he said with a smile and a wink. 

              "Well we could go to Texas Road House, or we could go to Hart Mansion. We should see a movie to; on me this time! Would that be okay?"

              "Yeah, that sounds chill. What do you want to see? Oh and I choose Hart Mansion, it sounds lovely." he replied.

              "We should see Hangover 2. Would your mom mind?" I asked.

              "No, she wouldn't mind. I've been dying to see that movie though! Wow, sounds like tonight is going to be good one mate!" he said.

                "Wait, wouldn't we have to be with an adult?" I said remembering that it was rated R.

                "Oh, don't worry, I have my ways," he said with a wink.

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