Chapter One

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" You know what? you're sick," she yelled louder. " This is it, I can't stay with you anymore,"

she signed heavily "I want divorce."

He stared almost lifeless, one look and anyone could tell he's breaking apart inside.

" Will this make you happy?" He mumbled softly.

" Very much," she smiled.

He signed " If you don't love me anymore then i guess nothing can make you stay," he said in whispered voice.

" Just give me divorce."

He hesitated for moment then said " O-okay, if that's what you want."

" Thank you very much , here's the paper."

His eyes widened in surprise seeing divorce paper was already ready.I could see tears starting to form in his eyes as he quickly looked away and whispered " I'll sign and send it to you."

I was watching from above when my father and mother were fighting then my mom wanting to leave. This is not new to me though, I've seen them fight as long as i can remember.

My father who dearly loved my mother but she only married him because of the family reasons. It was the end of their marriage.The marriage that had turned in shambles years ago.My father turned into alcoholics at night instead of facing his shambles in marriage.Every time I look into his eyes it's so hunting and full of sorrows ,and it has changed over the course of time.

I've seen my dad alone, crying and screaming in pain. He never showed it to me but i knew that he was suffering loving mom.So, I believe that love is pathetic and i refuse to ever fall in love and suffer. Love is just four letters, I don't know why people make a deal out of it.You really can't believe in love when you're from dysfunctional family.

I shrugged and walked upstairs in my room to get ready for my school. I brushed my hair and teeth after I quickly took shower. I wore black skinny jeans with white top and took my glasses before I left home.

" We're here ma'am," Wilson said with enthusiasm.
"Good day to you ma'am."

"Thanks Wilson , good day to you too," i say as slid out of Lamborghini.

It was typical Monday in this school known for its prestige, discipline and one of the biggest school in whole Asia . Only rich and famous students study here and me being the daughter of one of the successful company's CEO daughter had to study here.

Even though I told my dad thousand times that I'm fine going to average school but he was against it saying. " You should read only where you belong " I mean do I really look I belong here?

Well talking about me, I wear glasses, straight A student, no friends except Vanessa, No boyfriend since birth, I don't attend parties and I don't like being around people that much and I'm bookish if I may add.

"Rachael," I look back to see Vanessa walking to me.

" Hey, I heard something, " she tapped my shoulder and gave me sad smile.

" I know what you're talking about," I shrugged.

Vanessa Miller, daughter of one of the prestigious hotel in here. They have expanded their business overseas.They are in Forbes list of richest people in world. She's been my best friend since middle school. If you ask me how we became friends?I don't remember much, but I vaguely remember we just loving each other company.

Hey! don't judge her already, she's super fashionable.She wears designer clothes every day. Even queen bee tries to copy her.Everything about her screams goals.

"I mean they finally called off their marriage," she looked me with surprise evident in her eyes then she

I rolled my eyes "I told you this day would come,it wasn't unexpected ."

" I guess you're already used to all these things."

" Maybe I'm. But, are you and Luke okay?"

Luke Anderson,Heir of The Anderson family who owns multiple island and also relative of president.There's nothing he can't do.

When Vanessa and Luke started dating, i got super worried for her. He is star of our school with athlete ability and did i mention that hes's known for his " heart breaker " character .But, they are friends since kinder garden and close to each other.So, I guess it'll be alright somehow.

" Oh him? We're better than ever," she had shine in her eyes. The shine that shows how full of life you're.

And, my eyes that sees almost everything lifeless and spark in my eyes are far thing to talk about.

" I'm glad, just watch out," I shot her smile

" Sure," she giggled

" But I must say this, girl you're talk of the school today," she laughed " you're famous."

As warning bell rang,I started to walk away,

"I don't really care."

I've never been late to class or missed my lectures even a day.I love to be on top of everything, I want perfection and I'm very ambitious like my dad but he lost it when he married her.

I studied hard from my childhood because of my mom, because I thought maybe if I'll study well, I'll get her love .I signed and ran fingers through my hair at remembrance of that childhood memory. I quickly made my way to first class and settled down in front of Vanessa.

Our first class had just started when Mrs smith was interrupted by principal.

"Hello students , I know it's unusual but we have new student admitted in our school ."

" Come in," she smiled cheerfully .

With that a guy walked in. I could hear girls gasping.He was tall very tall at least from what I see.He had mesmerizing dark grey eyes with brown hair.He had defined cheekbones and body too as he ruffled his hair and stretched a bit

He doesn't seem to care much.As he watches the class like he's searching something , then smirks to himself while walking to last bench without any introduction .

Neither did Mrs. Smith said a word to him,Who is he?I rolled my eyes seeing how arrogant he was.

But, my friend definitely doesn't stop talking about anyone.Vanessa got near my ears and started telling me about this new guy.

" His name is Ethos chase Grayson , son of billionaire.His father is most richest man in whole asia.They are freaking rich.If he has nickname it's probably player because he's hardcore player, he has dated numerous girls I can't even count. He plays basketball, he has won many intercontinental championships. His sculptured body is worth dying for."

She smiled from ear to ear,
" Don't you think he's interesting?"

I looked back at her with disbelief evident in my face as I shook my head and said,
" No he's not ."

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