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The days were dark and dreary
The only sounds were those of cars
People on cellphones
And the occasional wail of a siren
No laughter no fun no nature

Until one day a little yellow fellow had an idea
He lived away from the city but knew it well
He knew what they needed
And he knew just how to help

He followed the wind to his friend in red
He stated the emergency and asked for his help
After a second of thought the friend agreed
So they set off following the wind to rally the troops

After the troops had gathered
They moved onward following the wind
With the little yellow fellow at point leading them on

They fought well and planted a seed of knowledge
Soon the sounds of laughter
People conversing face to face
And the occasional ringing of a bike
Was heard once again

A bunch of poems and other things!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora