∞Big Girls Cry∞

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I walked through the hallways smoking, I saw Alexandria leaving her room, she seemed ok. I knew that was a facade though. Almost everyone put on a damn act here. I thought about Karina last night, when she had had told me what Elizabeth had done with Dria, I thought she was lying at first. She and Elizabeth are too much alike. I knew as well she could be dangerous. I didn't know was it possible to hate your own daughter, one you gave birth too? When Karina changed I grew to hate her almost. Truth be told I had never been a great mother. I was lost in my own thoughts then I felt something push me up against the wall. I looked at my accoster, otherwise known as the addiction demon.

I immediately felt a feeling of terror, this was not good. He liked me, which was not good by that he liked to fuck me. His steel cock pushed through any barriers in its way. I let out a scream as he thrusted into me, I could feel my organs ripping apart. It was agony and the pace picked up slowly as did the hardness.

By the time he was done with me I was crying in agony. The pain unbearable, blood from my insides dripped on the floor. My organs each time this happened managed to find a way to sew themselves back together in a gruesome way. I lit another cigarette and pushed myself up, and forced myself to walk and move through the pain.

Karina'a P.O.V.

I awoke in the morning the pain in my leg not unbearable, only thanks to Alexandria. I stood going over to my vanity and opening a drawer. I smoked weed and that drawer is where I kept it. It comforted me after about ten minutes of smoking I got dressed and walked downstairs. I worked with Iris during the day. I went behind the counter and I could feel her vulturelike gaze on my back, more so than usual. Most people feared me and my sister, Iris didn't fear me though. I turned towards her "What?" She crossed her arms, "What did she do?" I looked down "Who?" Iris rolled her eyes, "You know exactly who." I sighed "Nothing that's anything for you to be concerned about." My tone was cold and detached and Iris could tell she had struck a nerve. I glared at her "I'm fine. Now leave me alone at that." She shrugged turning towards the key rack.

I saw Alexandria coming down. She looked good as ever but I could tell she was weak. She walked toward me, "You ok?.. You know after last night?" I sighed nodding, "Thanks A, for checking up on me, it hurts, but I'm living. I'm ok... What about you?" I asked my biting my lip I was concerned for her wellbeing more so than mine. "Getting there, I guess I'm drained literally and figuratively." She let out a small laugh "I'll be fine." I watched her walk away and go behind the bar getting a drink. I jumped slightly seeing Tate behind me "God, Tate don't scare me like that!" He smiled "Karina, chill I just came to see if you were ok, I sensed something was wrong." I smiled back and moved closer kissing him deeply, he kissed back wrapping his arms around me. After a few moments I heard a small cough beside us, I pulled away to see Iris standing there. I blushed slightly then shook it off and turned towards her "If you tell Elizabeth I swear I will maim you past recognition." Her eyes widened and she nodded. I smirked and turned towards Tate kissing him once more then pulling back. "I'll see you later tonight," I said with a wink

Life of Deceptionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें