The Morning

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You lay watching the second hand on the wall clock tick. As you blink, you feel Jellal move from beside you.


Your breath catches. "Yes?" You look over your shoulder to see his beautiful eyes glistening in the moonlight that seeped through the open window.

Before he spoke, his arms moved around you and pulled you into him. "Go to sleep. We have a job to do tomorrow. You need your strength." Jellal's warm breath sent goose bumps down your back as it hit your neck.

You rest your head on the pillow. "I know." It was then his lips pressed against your skin, making your heart pound. His laugh made it even worse.



"(Y/n)." His hand brushed your shoulder. You open your eyes to see his bear skin. Your eyes move up his torso, taking in every curve and defined muscle. "We have to go." As you finally make it up to his face, you see his eyes were still a bit sleepy.

You sit up. Still unsure about what exactly you were about to do.

It was then he hands you a neatly folded pile of clothes. All black. "Wear those. It'll be easier to tell who is who."

At the last comment, you quickly looked up at him. "What do you mean?" His eyes smiled as you asked.

"Nothing you need not concern yourself with my dear." Jellal placed his hand gently against your cheek. He stared at you for a while before turning around to get ready himself.

You stand and walk toward the dressing screen. Changing into the all balck uniform he had handed you, you look at your self in the mirror. You see your facade. Your mask.

He doesn't really know me...

It was then you hear a cannon fire. "(Y/n)." Jellal's voice made you jump. Turning to see him in the same outfit. His shirt was very form fitting. He grabs your hand at heads toward the door. As you pass the window, you see 14 ships. All loaded with guards and dozens upon dozens of shakles being loaded on board.

xXTo Be ContinuedXx

~I'm sorry for not updating this!! Please accept my apology!! --sobs uncontrollably-- ~

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