Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

After what seemed like hours, I'd finally finished, and had managed to get even more anxious about the whereabouts of Amelie.

"Sir." He looked up from his desk.

"Do you know where Amelie is?"

"I though I already answered this question. I sent her to her dorm."

"But Hermionie said that she wasn't there."


"And I checked everywhere else except..." Oh god. Please don't say that she's there.

"Except where Longbottom?" He snarled.

"Except the Forbidden Forest."

"What?!" He shouted, before sprinting out of the castle, with me following just metres behind.


"Amelie?" We shouted, our wands ready to attack.

We pounded through the forest, until we came to a small clearing. Moonlight seeped through the leaves, and illuminated the unconscious girl lyring curled up on the floor.

"Snape! I've found her!!"

"Amelie?!" We rushed over to her side, and knelt on the floor.

"Amelie?" Her breathing was shallow, and her pulse was weak.

"Amelie?" Snape tilted her onto her back to reveal a massive gash, running down the side of her face, oozing blood onto the floor.

"Oh no! Amelie! What's happened to you?" I breathed, leaning closer to her, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"We need to get her to the hospital ward!" I shouted at Snape, who just knelt there, staring at her.

He carefuly scooped her up into his arms, and we ran back to the castle.

"What happened?! Severus?" Madame Pomfrey shouted, as we barged through the hospital doors.

He lay her down on a stray bed, and collapsed into a chair beside her.

"We...we found her in the forest...unconscious..." I finally managed to say, tears dripping down my face.

Madame Pomfrey dashed over, with some sort of potion, and dabbed it onto Amelie's face.

"How did this happen?"

"I...I don't know...We just found her there..." I fell into the chair next to Snape, and squeezed Amelie's hand in mine.

"I have a pretty good idea." Snape growled. He seemed pretty pent up about what had happened. Which was very suprising.

"You don't think it was-"

"Malfoy." And with that, Snape stormed out of the hospital, without so much as a backward glance at Amelie.


Amelie's P.O.V. 4 hours earlier.

I ran from Dumbledore's office, tears streaming down my face, and just kept running.

I soon found myself in the middle of the forbidden forest. Memories of my third birthday, trips to the park and family days out filled my mind, as I remembered who I thought were my parents. I curled up on the floor, crying.

I lay there, for what seemed like hours, until I heard a rustling sound.

"Wh..who's there?" My voice was uneven, because of the sobs I was choking back.

"Who do you think." Malfoy stepped out from behind a tree, his wand pointed at my face.

"Oh. It's you. Back to try and kill me again I see." Malfoy stared at me, confused.

"Why are you crying?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't, I just wanna know, before I kill you."

"I just found out that my real parents weren't actually my real parents, and that my proper parents were wizards who ditched me at birth."


"Yeah. So if you're gonna kill me, kill me now. Because I have nothing to live for. The parents who loved me are dead. My real parents disowned me before I could even sit up. And Snape will never love me like a daughter. So go ahead. Cos I'm sick of people saving me."

Malfoy looked at me, confused.

"Won't your boyfriend be upset?"

"Who, Neville?" He nodded. "Probably. But I'm easily replaceable. So just do it!"

"Oh. Ok then." He walked closer to me.

"Avada Kedavra!" I slumped to the floor, as Draco laughed, and walked away.

"Father will be pleased." He muttered, walking out through the trees.

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