e l e v e n

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Lily's POV

   I was so relieved. Knowing that Niall loves me was enough to boost my health back to normal. When he didn't stand up for me in the lobby, I felt broken. I thought that he would leave me for her. I lost it. I missed him so much those three days. Yea, yea, cliché and all but that's the truth.
     After that emotional lunch, we were together. We curled up on the couch and watched an Avengers movie for the rest of the day. We fell asleep on the couch, I was in his arms and he was hugging me tightly. I tried to get up to get my phone but he grunted and pulled me closer.
"Niall....... I need my phone!" I complain.
"Ughhhhh." I groan. I surprise him by grabbing a glass of water from the table and pouring it on him.
"AHHHHH!!!" He screams, jumping off the couch with his usual quiff of hair matted down on his forehead.
"Lily!! You will pay for this!!" He says, mocking a Darth Vader voice.
"Yea, yea." I said.
He walks into the kitchen and everything goes silent for a minute. He then walks out with 2 glasses of water with ice. He gives me a devilish smirk and run toward me. I screech and he drops the glasses to cover his ears. The glass shatters and one piece goes flying toward me. A giant shard of glass lands right in my right foot. It goes in deep. Niall's eyes go as wide as saucers.
"Oh my god!! Lily, I am so sorry!!" He says running toward me.
I just close my eyes tight as he picks me up toward the bathroom. He looks as the wound and a single tear rolls down his cheek. I wipe it away, not wanting to see him cry.
He searches frantically for the first did kit and mutters a string of curses before he spots it in the cabinet.
He slowly pulls the shard out and I let tears flow freely down my face due to the pain. Once the glass is out, he takes and alcohol pad and disinfects it. He then takes a bandage and wraps my foot, after he makes sure there isn't any blood around.
At this point, I'm dried out for more tears. Niall looks up and we both let out sobs. He keeps saying things like 'I'm sorry' and 'I'm such a jerk'.
I wipe his tears away and give him a reassuring smile. He returns it and carries me bridal style to the living room before realizing it is full of glass. He then takes me to the kitchen and sits me down on the counter.
"I'm gonna go clean up the mess I made," he states, blushing fiercely.
I nod and try to stand up, failing and crumpling to the floor. Niall gasps and helps me up, setting me on the counter once again.
"Don't do that again," he says, worry evident in his features. I nod, not having the energy to say anything.
After about an hour, Niall comes back with a bunch of glass in a dust-pan.
"Done," he says, letting out a sigh.
I yawn, really tired. I mean, after almost having your foot almost cut in half really drains you.
Niall notices and picks me up yet again to carry me to my room. He lays me on the bed, tucking me in.
"Niall?" I mutter.
"Yes love?"
"Will you lay down with me till I fall asleep?"
He lies down next to me, draping his arm over me. He lets out a yawn, obviously tired too. In 3 seconds, he's fast asleep.
I turn to see him. He looks so peaceful. The usual crease of worry on his forehead is gone, he looks so content. His lips are slightly parted, and for once he's not blushing. He looks so vulnerable. Almost......childlike?
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," he murmurs from his sleep. Somehow, he manages a smirk.
I blush until I have the face of a tomato and he turns to look at me. He engulfs me in this arms and he buries his head in the crook of my neck. I smile, content on how life is going. He smiles and dozes of to sleep.
   His phone rings. What? Who could text him this time of day?? I pick it up and see its a text from, boo? A picture of a girl with long, blond hair and bright blue/green eyes is the contact photo. Who is this? I know that I'm being really snoopy but, who is she?
  I go to read the text messages and tears form in my eyes.

  Miss you!! I can't wait to come back and visit! Last week was great!..... Love you! Xoxo

Niall was cheating on me.....



I woke up to her beautiful face. she yawned and stretched he arms out.
"Mornin' darling," I said, a lopsided smile on my face.
"Afternoon, I mean morning!" She says in between giggles.
"What'cha want for breakfast??" I ask.
Her stomach growled loudly.
"Well I guess that your stomach answered that, ummmmm eggs and bacon good for ya?"
She nodded, letting out a yawn. She swings her legs over the bad and try's to get up. She stumbles and almost falls, I grab her right before she reaches the floor. She mutters a thanks and I pick her up. I carry her to the kitchen and set her on the counter yet again. I grab a pan and crack a few eggs, sizzling bacon on another pan. When it's done, I put the food on 2 plates and put them on the table. I pick lily up, yet again, and set her on a chair. We eat in silence and when we finish I pick up the plates and wash them.
"I think Taylor brought a pair of crutches, you want me to get them?" She looks up at me a nods her head.
Why has she been acting so weird??
   I walk out the door and knock on Taylor's and Louis's rooms.
Knock knock.
   Taylor opens the door and smiles. "Hey Ireland!" She says. I ask her i I can borrow her crutches and she asks why. I explain and she says to tell lily she sends her blessing to get well. I come back to our room and I see lily crying on the floor. I drop the crutches and run to her. I try to pay her shoulder but she backs away from me and cries even harder.
  "Lily what's wrong?!" I ask, worried.
   "YOU!!" She screams.
   I was taken aback. What did she mean??
  "What do you mean lil'?"
  "I don't know, why don't you ask you 'boo'??" She says, crying again. Boo??
   "Oh don't act stupid niall!! Your cheating on me!!" she says, sobbing.
  Oh no..... She wasn't supposed to know!! HOW DID SHE FIND OUT?!
   "How did you know?" I ask, harsher than meant.
  "She texted you last night," she says, throwing me my phone.
   "Lily! Why would I cheat on you!!" I ask.
   "Shut up NIALL! I have proof!"
  But I didn't cheat......
   "I didn't cheat on you!"
   "Then what do you call that??"
   "Well, ummmm...."
   "That's what I thought! I really thought we were a perfect match!! But you had other thoughts!! You know what niall? We are over! Go make out with your 'boo'!! All you've done so far is shatter my heart!! And no one can fix it anymore!" She says sobbing. She runs out the door and slams it. I hear Taylor's voice and Louis's.
  "Awwww... It's ok!! He made the wrong choice ok? You can stay with us now. Right Lou?" I hear Taylor say.
   "Yea love. You want me to talk to him?" I hear LOUIS say.

(Ok so this isn't part of the book but who watched the AMA's last night? I'm so proud of the boys! K now read :)))

  Oh no
I heard a door close and footsteps toward my room.
   "Niall Horan. Open up, now." Louis says sternly. Don't anger an angry Louis...
   I open the door and I am shocked. Louis was breathing deeply and his veins were popping. Louis was always like a big brother to lily, especially after Andrew.
   "Why the hell did you cheat on her?" He asked.
    "I didn't!"
    "Bloody lies those are!"
    "Then who was that, Niall, who was your 'boo'?"
    "Louis, remember how we went t the bar a week ago?" He nods "well I got a bit drunk and I met this girl... We talked and I forgot about lily.... We may have kissed and she gave me her number.... I wasn't gonna tell lily...... I-i just didn't want I break her heart....." I explain.
  "Well you've broken it now mate!" He yells.
    "I'm sorry..." I mutter.
    "Don't come near her. If she decides to forgive you, she will tell you. But other than that, don't talk to her. You broke her heart and smushed it." He spat at me.
     Louis stormed out the door and slammed it. It a few minutes I was crying and the other lads where in the room asking what happened. I explained and they said they'll try to talk some sense into Lou. Harry on the other hand, was furious. He was usually the calm one that would solve the problems. But once again, Harry has been really protective over lily since.... It happened..... He was yelling at me and the boys had to tell him to get out. When Harry was angry, he was ready to kill. He walked into Louis's and Taylor's rooms and said he wanted to see lily. Muffled sobs were heard and all the. Girls were in there comforting lily. Louis looked at me and if looks could kill, I'd be in my grave.

   I've lost her. And I probably can't get her back. Why do I have to mess things up all the time??


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