Chapter 2

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    Today, I stand at the end of the driveway. Waving as the moving truck drove off, Dads car following behind it. Dad waved back as he drove on. Tears started forming in my eyes, one pesky one fell to the ground. No one noticed, yet I don't think anyone cared.

  Mom didn't even come out to say goodbye. I don't blame her.
After dad found out about her affair, it wasn't long before he decided to have one of his own with someone from his work.
A widow, I believe. Myelin, I think was her name.
Maybe it's wrong to do that, showing your no better then the first one to do it. The only time we'll be able to see dad will be on Christmas and Mathew's birthday. He's not allowed to see us on any other day unless we run into him at a store or something.
Not even my birthday.
It's only one curse of being born on their anniversary.

  I rubbed the tears away while walking back inside. I went up to my room, collapsing on my bed. I gripped my stuffed German Shepard, Ginger. I held her tight, letting the tears stream down my face.
I heard a slight, Silent knock on my door.
"Can I come in?" Mathew asked from the other side of the door.
I thought it over. I didn't really want to see anyone, I wanted to be alone. But that never happens with Mathew.
"No, Go away." I held back tears trying to keep my voice steady.
"Casey, This is not the time to do this. I really need to talk to you."
"About what?..."
"About tonight."
I feel like he's smiling. Is he smiling?..he's smiling. It's burning a hole in the door. And my soul.
Getting up and going to my door, I slowly opened it. Sure enough, the turd was smiling. I sighed and looked up at him.
I hate being shorter then people- biggest pet peeve EVER.

"Mom is going to Aunt Emma's tonight. I'm your babysitter. Having a few friends over, wanna hang with us?"
"Living room. Just gonna play board games, watch movies, and then play a few fun games."
"Uh...sure I guess.."
"Great, see you then." He stated walking away.
"We live in the same house, idiot." I said shutting the door. I walked into my closet ,grabbed a ripped pair of jeans and light blue shirt with a shark on it, then changed my clothes. I looked in the tall mirror at myself. My blonde hair was turning brown, at least it was still soft as ever.

I kept an eye on the tv while I cleaned my room. Making my bed. Rearranging my desk. Making sure all my stuffed animals were in their rightful place.

Nights with Mathew were always fun. Nothing could go wrong with him. And his friends were all fun to hang with too.
Maybe Mathew would cook for all of us. He's really good at it.


   "But she's  a little kid."
"Hey! I'm right here!"
"She's 14 Jasmine. It's not like she hasn't heard this stuff at school."
Good. At least Mathew has my back in this.
"Fine. Let's start."

As Mathew dealt out the cards for Cards Against Humanity, I smirked at Jasmine. She had lost, again. I glanced around the table.
Mathew looked happy with his cards.
Jasmine looked as if she may just rage quit then and there.
James, Jasmine's brother(about my age), just shook his head and sighed.
Luke clearly was about to fall to the floor laughing.
Finally I got to Zora, she looked as she always did, unhappy with life and everything. To be honest I think she's emo. She never laughs at Luke's jokes unless they're sarcastic or mean. Plus she just doesn't seem normal. But she is probably the best girl to go to if you got a bully or need to plan a murder. Ha. Not really, the murder thing anyway, but I'm pretty sure she could help you with that.

"Ok, Zora your Card Czar first."
"Ok Dorks." She pulls a card from the pile. "'In Michael Jackson's Final Moments, He Thought Of..' Blank."

Luke was the first to slap down a card. Then Me and Mathew at the same time. Finally James. Jasmine had said something about hearing the pizza guy pull up and left.

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