“The next area you go will be the snowpeak and I want you to take these” he said handing me a jacket, scarf, and gloves.

            “Why give me these? I can use my magic to keep warm and Link can be a wolf.” I said confused. He looked at me and leaned forward some.

            “I just want to make sure you have something to keep yourself warm if you feel like you’re using too much magic” he said and softly kissed my cheek being cautious in case I did something. I reeled back when he did that scared Link would be close by and I didn’t want him to see this.

            “What are you doing?! Thanks for the winter clothes and all but don’t go kissing my cheek like that” I said standing back up.

            “I’m sorry master” he said gesture a goodbye before disappearing into the darkness and then I felt bad for treating him like that.

            “Nyx!!!” I heard someone yell my name. I looked up and stuffed the clothes Dark handed me into the basket as well before running from the cave towards whoever called me. I spotted Link near the Inn looking around for me again and I laughed some before running up to him. He heard my footsteps and turned around once he saw me his face held a relieved look. I jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly and he held me not wanting to let me go.

            “There you are… you have to stop scaring me like that” He whispered in my ear causing me to blush. He let me go and I looked at his Ordon clothing it had been so long since he’d wore those that they looked weird on him now.

            “What?” he asked me. I only shook my head and walked inside and he followed after me. I headed for our room and set everything on the bed and pulled out the winter clothes Dark me and set them aside and went towards the window and placed Link tunic on the window sill.

            “Where did you get these?” Link questioned me holding the warm garbs in his hands.

            “A friend gave them to me… they told me that we need to head up to Snowpeak for the next mirror shard” I said walking back over to the bed.

            “Ah… okay” he said and placed the clothes back on the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. My mind ventured back to Dark Link. How did he really feel about me and did his feelings affect how he treated me at times?

            “Nyx… How about we take a break from the adventure today and have it to ourselves?” Link questioned me in a hushed whisper.

            “Are you sure?” I asked him while heading over to check on his tunic.

            “Link… may I ask where our wallets are for the rupees we obtained.” I ask looking at him a little scared since I didn’t have mine in my pouch anymore. Link blinked a few times before rushing over towards his belt and looking through it. He pulled out a bag with a rupee design on it, opened it and lifted it upside down and shook it a few times but only lent fell out.

            “Umm… someone took our money I guess” he said looking at me.

            “Did someone come in our rooms last night?”I muttered.

            “Wait are you trying to say someone actually stole from us?” Link said now standing beside me. I was going to reply when someone knocked on the door. I headed towards the door to see who it might be. I looked out and saw no one standing there; I stood there confused before I looked down at the floor and my wallet on the floor I bent down and picked it up and headed back into the room my expression never changing.

Darkness into Light (LOZ: Twilight Princess love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora