Chapter 13 "January 21"

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Ricky's POV:

Today is the day!

Our three babies are all walking and John just can't wait to be in the wedding.

I haven't seen Amy since last night, but Mackenzie and Elizabeth disappeared this morning.

I just can't wait, but I can tell from last night Amy was scared I hope she's not going to be my run-away bride!

Amy's POV: 11:30

"My wedding dress is on, my hair and makeup is done, my little babies are in there flower girl dresses and my made of honor is no where to be found. This should be wonderful!" Amy says to Mackenzie and Elizabeth.

I've called her at least 100 times, left 50 messages, and she hasn't called back or answered. I hope she's dressed at least.

*Amy finally gets a hold of Ashley* (12:00)

Amy: Ashley why haven't you answered your phone?
Ashley: My phone died and I couldn't find a charger.
Amy: Where are you?
Ashley: Around the block, Griffin picked me up.
Amy: Are you dressed, is your hair done, do you do your makeup, where are you now?
Ashley: Yes, Yes, Yes, and right behind you.

*Ashley hangs up*

It's already 12:30 lets get this show on the road.

Ricky's POV: I saw my beautiful daughters coming down the ailse throwing flowers everywhere possible then my handsome sons each holding a ring.

After Jack and Ashley the music started. Once I saw Amy and George I couldn't believe this was happening!

Amy was so beautiful.

Amy's POV:

I've never seen Ricky so happy.

I still can't believe I'm 20 getting married to a 21 year old and have 4 kids one at the age of 4 and three about to be 1.

Ricky started to speak words I thought I would never hear come out of him mouth.

I Ricky, take you, Amy, to be my wedded wife;
to have an to hold,from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to live and to cherish, till death do us part, and hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.

Now it's my turn.

I Amy, take you, Ricky, to be my wedded husband; to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to live and to cherish, till death do us part, and hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.

Ricky do you take Amy to be your lofty wedded wife? I Do!

Amy do you take Ricky to be your lofty wedded husband? I Do!

You may kiss the bride! everyone cheers in the background!

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