"Where are you gonna go, and what about everything you came here looking for? This was the one thing that meant something to you and your just going to let it all go?" Dylan had a good point. Well, two good points actually. Where was I going to go? There was no way I wanted to go back to Jack after everything he's done I just couldn't.

"I guess I will ask one of my family relatives and see if I can stay with them for a while." I could see that he wasn't satisfied with any of this. "And as far as everything else I guess I am just going to let it go."

"But why? You came here for a reason Elissa."

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I was literally throwing everything away. I was ruining my chances of finding out why I've been lied to my entire life and who I really was. But then a part of me was telling me that if I were to find out, things would never be the same, and that scared me. But who knows? Maybe I would come back again to White Pine Bay and I'll be ready to find out the truth. But right now I didn't feel that way. I felt I needed to get away from everything.

"I guess I am." I replied. He took his hands in mine and looked at me. I could tell he was clearly upset with the decision I was making.

"Elissa. Please just listen. Forget everything that's happened. The truth is...I need you here, with me. If you leave I honestly don't know what I am going to do without you. The first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one. I love you Elissa, I really do. I just can't live like this knowing that you won't be here anymore. Knowing I won't get to spend time with you. You are the only one who has tried to make this family work, if you leave everything is going to go back to the way it was. We all need you..." He sighed. "Even...Norma."

I felt him caressing my hand as he was speaking to me. I could feel my eyes tearing up. Truly, everything he just said to me is what I have always wished to have said to him. I love Dylan more than anything and I don't know how I would cope without seeing his face every day. I never really knew how much I loved him until now. He brought the words right out of my mouth. I could feel the tears from my eyes rolling down my face because as much as I love and have fallen for him, I just couldn't stay. It pained me to say it so much and I know I am going to regret this, but I just can't stay here any longer.

"Dylan...I...I'm sorry." I moved my hands from his and wiped my eyes. I got up from the bed. I sucked in a breath and calmed myself down a bit before turning to him and speaking to him.

"I...know you are not happy, but maybe it's for the best. It's not you, it's me. I'm tired of everything that's happened and the things which still are. My Life has been one big lie from when I was young..." Dylan cut me off.

"Why do you keep saying that? Why is your life one big lie?" He creased his eyebrows. I wiped my tears before getting up. I went to my bedside table and took out the letter. I removed it from the envelope and walked back up to Dylan and gave him it. I watched him patiently as he read the letter. His face made different reactions, probably what I looked like when I read it. I waited. He looked up in front of him, the letter still in his hand unmoved. After a few seconds, maybe more he turned to face me.

"Oh my God." was all he could say. I nodded not able to say anything to him in return.

"So...your mum is alive?" He said folding the letter back up and giving it back to me. "Yep...somewhere." I sighed before getting back up and putting it back where I got it.

"Well...that's good news right?" I looked at him, almost annoyed that he would say that. I jumped off the bed and paced back and forth. "Good. Huh. I would love to know why she has been lying to me for all these years! I cannot believe her. Everything I had been telling everyone was one fat lie. My mum is not dead; she's probably somewhere out there having the time of her life right now while I'm here angry and frustrated about all of this!" He got up too and placed his hands on my shoulders to stop me from stressing even further.

"Calm down." And in them few seconds I had. It's as if everything had just been erased with a click of a finger. I felt my whole body tense from his warm touch. His presence alone had always made me feel calm. I felt him slowly spin me around so I was now staring into his beautiful brown eyes.

"We are going to get through this okay? I will help you I promise. We will find everything that you want to find out no matter how long it takes. But please Elissa. Don't leave." I could see that he was somehow hoping me to just give up and stay here. But it was no use. The only thing that was holding me back was Dylan. But knowing that he would be leaving soon, I knew there was no point and I didn't want to keep my hopes up because as much as I tried to persuade him to think otherwise, I just knew he wouldn't give in. I had made my mind up I was going to leave White Pine Bay.


Hey guys,

So I would really like to start off by saying I am so sorry for not updating in forever. For the past few weeks I have been quite Ill and I haven't had the time and energy to do anything. I know I said I was going to upload, it's just school was getting in the way so much and then now I've become ill, it's been adding to my worries. Nevertheless, I felt so bad for keeping you all waiting for so long, I had to upload.

I know this is not the best chapter, but I have tried my best and really hope you liked it. I hope you guys all understand and I'll try my best to upload again very soon.


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