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Watching Zach poke at my new star wars figure collection was interesting, but watching Parker walk mindlessly around downtown was even more interesting. I watched as the tall boy walked around, sat on benches uncomfortably, and checked his phone every 10 seconds. I was sitting at a small cafe waiting for Zach. Him, along with Julio, were the only people I really talked to. I couldn't talk to girls because once they found out that I was gay they would squeal like little piglets and force me to go shopping with them. I got zoned out watching Parker and circling the top of my coffee cup with my index finger.

He kicked around the autumn leaves and his cute little scarf blew in the wind every once in a while. I wanted him to come inside this small cafe and sit in front of me. Then we could have a long conversation until hours passed and it got too late and the cafe was already closing. I sighed at my daydream.

"Liam!" I heard a deep voice say, with a chiming bell that goes off whenever someone opens the door. I turned around to find a former canadian wearing a big grey jacket and sunglasses. He sat down in front of me, asking for a waittress. I glanced back out where Parker was, yet he wasn't there anymore. I sighed and smiled at Zach.

"Hi Zach!" I said, as I tilted my head slightly and smiled. I took the miniture straw and started stirring my coffee. I took a sip, and it burned the tip of my tongue but I was already used to it. When the waitress came over, she asked what Zach wanted, but with a littly flirty vibe coming off of her.

"So what would you like?" She said, giggling under her breath. Her perfect white teeth were shining through her perfect lips. She stared at Zach as if he were a new $2,500 purse. Zach ordered a caremal latte, and I have no idea why. He told me he hated those things.

"So bro, what's up!" He said instantly, after the waitress was gone of course. I glanced at him, trying to avoid the question by drinking more of my coffee. For some reason I shot my eyes back out of the window, I guess hoping Parker would still be there. After that night he came over, I hadn't seen him at all. I have his number, and I've thought about texting him numerous times, but I just don't know what it is.

As I faced Zach again, awaiting my answer to his question, I stopped chugging my coffee like a lunitic and sat it down. The waitress was already coming over with Zach's coffee. What a perfect excuse to dodge that question. Usually I would answer, "Good, you?" or "Doing great, what about you buddy?" But I didn't want to lie to him, he's my best friend.

I turned around in my seat, surprised to hear that little bell go off once more. Normally, Zach and I are the only ones here, besides some of the senior citizens from the nursery home down the road. A boy walked in, he had short curly dark brown hair and he was wearing a red T-Shirt and basketball shorts. He didn't look older than a junior, but could be a freshman.

He went up to the counter and I overheard him order 2 dark roasted coffees with 5 sugar and 6 cream. Then he ordered a blueberry muffin and a pumkin spice muffin. The lady told him they were out of pumpkin spice muffins, and that were a new bunch going to be ready in 10 minutes. He grabbed the two coffees and the blueberry muffin and said he could wait. He sat down at a table in the corner of the small cafe. He occasionally sipped on his coffee but spastically checked his phone.

I didn't realize that I was eyeing him down, until he made full on eye contact with me. I quickly looked at Zach, who was playing some game on his phone that sucks money out of his paypal account faster than teenage girls running because they see a boy band walking around.

"Hey bro," I heard. I thought it was Zach, but it didn't sound like him. There was a slight lisp to the stranger's voice. I looked up beside me, and saw the other boy who I was staring at earlier. Oh god. Why. Why me, why did I have to frickin' stare at him, what the hell. I smiled uncomfortably and laughed.

"Hi!" Zach squealed. "I'm Zachary but you can call me Zach, with a 'h'!" He stood up to shake the stranger's hand. Then he pointed at me, "And this is my best friend Liam!" The stranger laughed and gripped a paper bag, containing the muffin, tight. He had left his coffee over at the other table.

"I'm Zack, with a 'k'." He laughed lightly. Zach's face lit up in excitement. "Nice to meet you two," Zack said again. Zach offered him a seat at our table, so Zack grabbed his coffee and sat in the middle of Zach and I. This was going to get confusing, with the whole Zack and Zach thing.

"Hey, Zack," Both of the boys looked up at me, "with a 'k', how about I give you a nickname, because this will get confusing." I said, as if we were going to be best friends within the hour. He thought for a moment, then replied with, "My friends sometimes call me Pilsbury Boy because when they poke me I laugh for like 15 minutes, I'm really ticklish." I thought for a moment, because Pilsbury Boy sounds really weird.

"How about I call you Poke?" I laughed. Zack smiled and nodded his head.

"That's cute!" He said. We all chatted for a bit, but I wanted to know why he came alone but ordered double things. We only got to talk for a small amount of time, because the pumpkin spice muffins were ready. Zach and I got Poke's number before he left. After Zack was gone, I checked the time and it was already almost midday. My coffee was gone, and I was getting hungry.

"Do you wanna go get Chipotle for lunch?" I asked Zach. He nodded, and we payed for the coffee, thanked the workers, and went to my car. Zach hasn't gotten his license yet, not because he failed, he just wanted to wait. So, we got into my car, which was brand new because I just got my official license. It was a dark green honda, and I was very happy with it.

I got in the driver's seat and Zach got in the passenger seat, and I carefully backed out of the small parking space. We drove to Chipotle and I ordered my normal, and Zach got a burrito and rice. As we ate, I was still thinking about Poke, and why he was there alone. Most of our lunch was quiet, because Zach was either eating or on his phone, and I was just thinking.


Wow, this chapter only took me 2 days. :D


link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/Pokediger1/status/668214429553684481

I can't wait for it to arrive! I'm literally going to wear it everyday.. #TeamPink

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ˎˊ˗ twitter: idkoakley

ˎˊ˗ instagram: ftbayani

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