Grinning, he put his arms behind his head. "Yeah, it is. Obviously new people moved in, but that's why we took so long shopping." he explained, a wistful smile on his face from the memories.

I nodded thoughtfully, moving my feet back and forth as silence came over us. It's so weird to have thought that Dustin lived so close, but I never knew him.


A few hours later, I was woken up by being prodded by a foot in my ribs. "Hmm?" I moaned, lifting my head to squint at the person over me.

"Wake up, Luce. We're here." Bending down, he held out his hand. "Let's go. I want to walk around a bit before we meet up at the field. If I don't meet up, I'm probably somewhere else."

I nodded, grabbing his hand to pull myself up. "Thanks."

He shrugged in reply, turning to find the others, and I followed quickly.

"Hey, Killi, we ready?" I asked, grabbing onto her arm.

She turned around, grinning. "Hell yeah. Let's go. Tal, you better meet up with us," she threatened, squinting at him.

I shot him a look, before motioning to Killian. "Hey, I'm gonna steal Tal's beanie, alright? So he'll have to come back." I say, and she smirked before nodding.

"Alright, Tal follow me, Lucy, behind him, others do whatever." Killian calls out, waving her hand nonchalantly.

Walking down to Lunarin, I make a grab for Talon's beanie, succeeding to tear it off his head. I cried out in triumph and wore it, looking innocent while Talon turned around to glare at me.

"Luce. That's my beanie." he whined, making a halfhearted grab for it.

I ducked under his grab, shaking my head as we all continued to walk. "Shush. It's inclination for you to meet up with us."

He stared at me for a few moments, opening his mouth, closing it, and opening it again. "Alright. Keep it. Beanies look good on you anyways." he says coolly, brushing past me to talk with Quinn.

I stare at his back, a red blush settled on my face at what he said. "Jerk.." I muttered, going to Killian and Dustin. "I got it, Killi." I told her, grabbing at her arm again.

She looked sideways at me, giving me a knowing smirk, before stopping abruptly. "This is where we part, I think. Tal, We'll see you later. Have fun on memory lane." she said, waving as he went down the left path, houses dotting the road.

We, however, took the right road, which led us to a field encased in time, it seemed.

The chill of fall hadn't touched this place yet, giving it a mythical feel. Flowers of different colors dotted the tall grasses, and many campfire ruins left behind by others gave it an used but new feeling. Trees of all kinds, Birch, Oak, Pine, Dogwood, surrounded the area. The light of the moon made everything silver and white, like something out of a storybook, or a fairy tale.

The only thing out of place was the girl sitting alone, her bright blue hair running down her back.

"Excuse us," I say, stepping forwards towards the blue-haired girl.

The girl jumped, whirling around to face us. "What do you guys want? Mind your own business, will ya?" she snarled, her nose piercing glinting as her face moved.

I took a step back, raising my hands, giving the three behind me a helpless look.

Quinn stepped forwards, fearless, and stared down the girl. "Hey. Listen. We don't mean to bother you, but you look cold. Do you need anything? You look alone," Trailing off, she steps closer, slowly, like the girl was a frightened wild animal.

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