Chapter 2: hanging out

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**Daniella's POV**
After our drinks arrive, I  take a big gulp of my drink. I soon felt the satisfying burn of alcohol going down my throat. Luke looks at me impressed. "Impressive, Daniella. I like a girl who can handle her alcohol." Luke says. I giggle. I wasn't drunk... Yet.

*Luke's POV*
"Alright, Jimmy! 2 usuals on the rocks." I say. I nod as I hear a voice over in the corner say, "Alright, Hemmo." We both sit down. It's quiet for a while before I finally start a conversation. "So, you're a fan of the band?" She shakes her head. "Yea. A huge fan. I just don't think fangirling is good. I mean you guys are normal guys who just have more talent than most." I smiled. "Well, thank you for not uh fangirling." She nodded. "So, are you a fan of the whole band, or do you like someone in particular?" She smiled and blushed. "My friend likes Calum. We like your bands music. But like my friend, I like someone in particular." I frown, and nod. We sat there in silence for a few moments until I spoke. "So, who it is it? Who's your favorite?" She shook her head no. "That, I can't tell you." I squinted my eyes at her. I'm kinda disappointed she won't tell me. So, I started guessing. "I bet it's Michael. He's got awesome hair. Is it Michael?" she shook her head no. "No? Hmmm... What about Ash? He's pretty cute. That personality is awesome." She giggled and shook her head no.  "Ooh! No? Ok, Cal. He's a softie." She shook her head. "Mm, I'm not telling you Luke. I'm sorry. But, that is like to keep a secret." I nodded. Okay, I'll respect that, Daniella." She looks at me. "Luke. Please stop calling me Daniella. It sounds like a girly girls name. I'm far from that. As, you saw earlier. Call me Dani."She said smiling. Damn! Her smile is adorable! It's one of the things that caught my eye. While the other girls were screaming and crying, she was swaying her hips back and forth singing along to the songs and smiling. But, mostly keeping eye contact with me. The girl I want to know more about.

After our drinks arrive, I  take a sip of my drink. I soon felt the satisfying burn of alcohol going down my throat. Im looking at Kaylee who has almost the whole drink down. I look at her impressed. "Impressive, Dani. I like a girl who can handle her alcohol." I say. She giggles.

**1 hour - 30 minutes, 5 beers, 10 shots, and 9 margaritas later - Dani's POV**
"Woo! This music is awesome, Luke!" I said standing up on the table swaying my hips. Luke laughs. We were both drunk. Me more so than him. I had a feeling I wouldn't remember anything tomorrow morning and wake up with a bitch of a hangover. But, as of right now I don't care. I'm here. With LUKE HEMMINGS! Nothing could make this night better. Luke came up behind me on top of the table. He started swaying his body against the back of mine and held onto my hips.  Luke stopped after a few minutes. "Dani, I have to go back to the hotel." He slurred. I giggled again. "Ok. It was nice meeting you, Luke. I can't wait for another concert." I said trying my hardest to keep the slurred words to a minimum. Luke took my hand and kissed the back of it. I smiled. "Actually, I might follow you out, Luke."  I say as Luke opens the door and gestures for me to to walk out. I gladly get down from the table and walk out. Luke intertwines my hand in his. Luke looks at me with a serious look on his face. "Dani. Thank you for coming out with me tonight." He slurred.
I giggle and playfully punch his arm. This would be the highlight of my life. Meeting and hanging out with a rockstar, none the less the one I am head over heels for. "Sure thing, Hemmo." I slurred. He stops me as we are walking. "How about I text Michael and Ashton and Calum and see if they'll order pizza and we can go back to my hotel and play a few games?" My eyes widen. I hate being drunk. I'm really dramatic when I am. But, I soon forget the thought as it is interrupted by Luke waving his hand in my face. "So?..." I shake my head to clear the thought. "Mm, yea. I'd love to. I think we better sober up, first." He chuckles. "I don't think that'll be needed. Ashton say he's picking up Liquor bottles for all of us. He says looking at his phone. How can the boy still read after being this drunk?
I was impressed by it.  I couldn't even see straight.
Moments later, Ashton came and picked Luke and I up and drove us back to the hotel. When we got to the hotel room, Michael jumped up. Clearly already intoxicated from alcohol. "Luuuuuuke! You son of a bitch! You left us to worry about youuu!" He yells. He was drunk, but wasn't drunk enough to slur. Ashton chuckles. Luke goes up to fist bump Calum (who is wearing black nail polish. His nails weren't black at the concert.) and Michael who's hair is now green. (It was red at the concert.) Afterwards, I could feel people glaring holes in me as I looked around. Michael, Ashton, and Calum were staring at me.
Luke immediately sees me tense up. I'm not good with attention. Even when I'm drunk. Too much of it makes me freeze up and unable to speak or move. My brain shuts off completely. I don't know what to do. "Guys, This is Dani." Luke says stepping over towards me putting a hand on my shoulder. I wave. "Hi, Michael. You talked to me about changing my hair color, remember? You said I should dye just the ends aqua?" I say smiling. Michael walks over to me and laughs giving me a hug. "Of course. The girl with the unforgettable smile. How could I forget?" I smile and blush when he releases me. I look up to see Calum looking at me.
"Hey, black nails." I say going over to fist bump him. "Hey Dani. Nice to see you again. I'm guessing your friend told you I took her out for coffee." I laugh remembering the text I had gotten from Mel. "Yea. She did. She said she thought it was going somewhere." I say hitting his arm lightly and doubling over laughing. "That gave me a laugh." I say. Calum gives me a look. "What do you mean it gave you a laugh?" I look at him with a straight face. "I thought she was overreacting. I don't think that you guys would last long as a couple. It just doesn't happen. Someone always ends up being unfaithful. Someone always ends up getting hurt. If it ends up being her, she'll be crushed." I say. Calum looks at me understandingly. "I see your point, Dani. But, what she said is true. I've asked her on another date." I looked at him in horror and shock. I point a finger at him before saying, "if you do this and start dating her, you better not hurt her. You do, and it's the last thing you will EVER do. You got me, Hood?" I say harshly. It came out a lot harsher than I meant for it to. I look at him apologetically. "Sorry, that came out harsher than I meant it to." I say. He chuckles. "It's okay, Dani. It got the point across. Don't worry. I like her a lot. I'll make sure to see her every chance I get. I don't cheat on my girls. I don't like to hurt them." He says hitting my shoulder lightly.
"Good. Cuz, I don't wanna have to kill you. This band is too awesome to have a dead member." I say chuckling. I look over to Ashton who is looking me up and down with an unreadable expression on his face. "Hey,Ash! Nice to see you again. ?" I say smiling, going to shake his hand. He slaps my hand away lightly and gives me a side hug. "Hey, Dani. Finally nice to know your name." He said smiling.
Luke walks over to me and says, "I think you might need some ice cold water on your face. I did that and I sobered up. No drinking for me tonight, guys! I don't want a bitchy hangover tomorrow." He says. I giggle. "Okay, Mr.No-Fun. I'll sober up. But, then it's right back to drinking. I hear Michael and Ashton cheer as I said that. "I'll be right back, guys." I say pointing. I then turn only to stumble into the wall. I pat it and chuckle. "I'm alright!" I yell as I stumble my way to the bathroom.

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