Join Me In Death

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Ville stumbled out of the hotel room bed and glanced at the clock. He was late. An hour late. Not that he wanted to be there, but for some reason he had to go. He sighed, running his hands through his mess of hair and decided to just skip breakfast, well, seeing the time of day it would have been lunch, and get ready to put on a fake smile and hope, that just maybe it was all a nightmare. But something inside him told him it was happening.
Bam was getting married in a month and it ached to even think about it.
Bam felt a draft and rolled over, feeling for Missy.
"It's fucking freezing." He muttered.
There was no response and he couldn't feel Missy there, and this struck him as strange. He sat up and looked around and it dawned on him that it was already around noon. His eyes bulged and he jumped out of bed.
"Missy!" He yelled. "Why the fuck didn't you wake me up?!"
Missy walked in through the door, and by the look on her face you could tell she had already won the argument before even starting. "I tried to wake you up babe! I tried like three times, and you finally got up and went downstairs for about two minutes before you came back in here and climbed back into bed!"
Bam let out a loud sigh. "There's going to be about fifty people coming over in some bus to pick me up for a bachelor party in like ten minutes and I'm still half naked!"
Missy rolled her eyes. "And who's fault is that Mr. "I'm going to stay up till three AM to smoke a pack and chug beer until I puke" huh?" Missy mocked.
Bam whisked past her. "God, you're turning into Ape." He muttered.
The party at the Hard Rock hotel in Vegas was more crowded then Ville had expected and he didn't really know how to react to it. On the bright side, he could blend in and hide but on the downside it was going to be tough getting to Bam. Ville already knew that this night was going to end in nothing but disappointment. He was going to get ignored by Bam all day, just like he was now, and then when he finally did get to Bam, Bam would either be too wasted to even remember the singer's name or Ville would shy away. Then Ville would just feel worse for ever thinking that maybe, just maybe it wasn't all happening and that maybe, just maybe he had a chance. But he didn't. And here he was, standing in a little corner watching Bam laugh with a fellow jackass member from afar while everyone else was going wild and happy with the thought of Bam getting married. Ville felt like an outcast, like he stood out from the crowd. Like everyone was starring at him and whispering "hey, why's this guy here? And why's he all alone?" and this only made him cower away, deeper into the corner where he bumped into Bam's brother Jess.
"Hey dude. Something wrong?"
Ville starred at him blankly. Ville had only met Jess briefly in the past, in a situation just like this one; a party, a crowd, Jess making the first sentence that ended in a friendly conversation. This wasn't what Ville had in mind of a conversation with a Margera, but he figured Jess was all he had to talk to, and he jumped at the chance.
"No, I'm alright. Thanks though. Nice to see you again."
Jess grinned at Ville. "You're too polite, you know that right?" He winced at Ville. "You sure you okay? Your kinda just standing here staring at everything. Plus, you didn't look up when a bunch of girls came in, and I tell you they're hot."
Ville flushed. So people did notice he was standing there like an idiot.
"I'm fine," Ville assured him, trying to assure himself. "just...taking it all in."
Ville walked off to find a more private corner to stand in, grabbing a girl's beer out of her hand as he passed by, not bothering to wipe the lipstick off the can before he took a gulp of it, bittersweet. This was all he had left, as he watched Bam happily enjoying his bachelor party thing. He tried getting a good image of Bam imprinted in his memory. After all, this was probably the last time he'd ever see Bam before disappearing from his life. Not that Bam would notice either way.
Missy's picture of a wedding was so different from his own, and they both knew that he was going to get his way anyways because that's how it worked. When it came down to it, Bam was always the one with the power. It was at the moment, when Bam had been telling Johnny Knoxville about Missy's wedding plans and cracking up, that Bam caught a glimpse of Ville. He was sipping idly at a beer, with the blank concentration of a child. Bam wasn't too far, and still Ville seemed so distant and out of it and tired and pale and maybe just a bit...malnourished? He had a smudge of pink lipstick on his upper lip, that imprinted the can he was holding and Bam couldn't help jump to the conclusion that that wasn't his own and it came from someone else. Maybe Ville had been kissing someone? The image made Bam frown for no apparent reason then he watched as Ville started to move. Ville walked over to a girl with the same color of lipstick and Bam expected Ville to swing his arm around her or something, proving his theory. Instead, Ville handed her what appeared to be a now empty beer can.
"You can have your beer back." He said flatly, and disappeared into the crowd.
Oh. Bam rolled his eyes at himself. God, why didn't I think of that? I'm such an idiot.
Ville wasn't in the mood to do anything but sleep at that point. He caught a glimpse of Jussi from The 69 Eyes and smiled to himself. It was good to see someone he could really talk to show up, and who could maybe carry him back to some other hotel room if he passed out, which Ville had a big feeling he would do. Jussi seemed just as happy to see Ville, probably stuck in the same situation. Ville spent the rest of the party just sitting on a stiff couch talking to Jussi, who even made him smile a few times. It made Ville feel a bit better. Ville reached for his pocket for a cigarette, but suddenly the smell of hard alcohol and rock n' roll seemed too much. What do you expect from The Hard Rock? His stomach ached, and his eyes were giving in, and he was just so tired and weak, and Jussi's shoulder just looked so comfortable...
The last time Bam saw Ville that night was around the end of the party, around 3 in the morning. He was on the couch sitting right next to Jussi, with his head against Jussi's shoulder. They were both sleeping. Bam raised an eyebrow at them, and just starred for a moment. He backed away to watch them from a bit farther distance. A half hour later, Jussi was carrying a sleeping Ville out the door.
What... the... hell?
A million things came across Bam's mind at the sight. Did Ville know he was being carried away? Did Ville want to be carried away? And where did Jussi plan to take him? another hotel room? And why? It all looked pretty sketchy.
"Hey, what's going on?" Came Jess's voice from next to him.
"Don't know, but it looks wrong." Bam said carefully, hoping he wasn't the only one to think so.
Yeah." Jess nodded.
Bam ignored the sound of shattered glass, and a drunken Mat and Jonny from the band Kill Hannah making out on the bar counter, Mat ontop of Jonny.
On second thought...
No, Bam had better things to do than pry Mat off of Jonny. He always assumed the day they would fuck each other would come soon anyways. Mat was such a flirt around Jonny...
Bam shook his head and turned away from the two and went to tend to the other awkward couple.
Bam quickly walked over to Jussi who was already quite a few feet away.
"Hey Jussi!" Bam greeted with a smile. "What are you doing?" Bam laughed.
Jussi looked kind of relieved to see Bam. "I promised Ville I'd take him back to his hotel room if he passed out."
"Oh." Bam said, still thinking there might be something wrong with that sentence.
Jussi seemed to have noticed Bam's reaction. "I'm just carrying him back, setting him down somewhere and leaving." Jussi smiled.
Bam held out his hands. Could he really trust the guy that once made out with Ville out of the blue in front of a camera, to carry him back to a hotel room drunk? "Oh. Okay then. Well, I'll take care of him."
Jussi hesitated for a second, but passed Ville over to Bam. Bam wasn't even sure if he could carry Ville, but he was surprised at how little Ville weighed. He was sure that Ville had weighed more before.
"Take care." Jussi yawned and waved as he walked out the door to head back to his own hotel room.
Bam nodded and watched as Jussi left, leaving him completely alone.
Aside from Mat fucking Jonny.
Ville opened his eyes and noticed Bam passed out right next to him on a bed. Ville was on his side, facing Bam. He wasn't sure if it was a dream, so he stayed still. Bam was right there, and he wasn't with Missy or anyone but Ville. Ville had Bam all to himself, even if it was a dream, or if it was just for a little while. It was nice, and the more Ville thought about it, the more he wanted to cry. Bam being next to him made Ville want him more. It was going to be even harder to let Bam go, but there was no way Ville could hold him back. Ville took in the surroundings, one of the hotel rooms at The Hard Rock. He guessed they were at Bam's hotel room, Bam's shoes on the floor, his sunglasses, cell phone and a beanie on a bedside table. And a skateboard. When'd he bring a skateboard to the hotel? why? It all screamed 'Bam's room' and Ville felt his stomach sink at the very thought.
Bam stirred, and sat up, rubbing his forehead.
"Oh god, my head hurts." He whispered to himself.
A horrible pain pierced through Ville's stomach, and he winced. What was that from? At this point, Ville didn't care if he was dreaming or not, or if Bam knew he was awake or not. He let the tears emerge in a silent cry, because this was easier than keeping it all inside. His stomach ached again, and this only made more tears form as he doubled over in pain. Ville caught what looked like Bam starring at him through the blur.
"Hey," Bam's sweet voice cut in. "You're awake... what's...wrong?"
Ville blinked away the blur, wanting to see Bam's face really bad. He didn't answer Bam's question, his throat was a knot, and he feared that if he opened his mouth he would tell Bam everything. He couldn't risk that. Bam seemed to understand and sat in silence, looking straight ahead. Bam didn't know how to sooth someone. He had never had someone comfort him, so he didn't know what he was supposed to do to comfort Ville. Staying in silence was the only thing Bam could really do, knowing that there was no way he could make it worse by not saying anything. Or could he?
"Does your stomach hurt or some-"
"I'm sorry." Ville stuttered. I'm sorry... for wanting you all to myself. It's merely selfish thought, but I ...can't help it.
Bam layed back in bed and turned his body to look at Ville. They stayed in silence, staring at each other.
Bam grinned. "I've never seen someone cry over falling asleep at a party." He joked.
Ville wiped away at some of his tears. "Well, it was an awesome party. I was afraid I missed something important." Ville replied sarcastically. Bam chuckled and drew Ville in, holding him in his arms.
"Stop crying alright?" Bam smiled.
Ville flushed. Here he was, crying to Bam. What would Bam say if Ville told him why he was crying? Ville tried ignoring it, and concentrated on enjoying the moment. He had never been in Bam's arms like this before. He had just the right mind to cry forever, so Bam would never let him go. Maybe. Maybe it wasn't a complete nightmare.
"Hey, did I tell you Mat, you know, Kill Hannah Mat, is fucking Jonny right now back at the bar. Right on the counter."
"Oh my god."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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