The noise got louder as it got closer and closer. It was a sort of shuffling sound. I instantly jumped to my feet, pulling down Jayden’s shirt to cover myself up a bit more.

I looked around frantically as I started to panic. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and it made me scream bloody murder.

A hand clamped down on my mouth to muffle my screams. “Calm down Mais” the person chuckled

I spun around “Kai! You scared the shit out of me!” I shrieked

Kai, my brother’s 3rd in command, rolled his eyes “Don’t be so over dramatic”

“What are you doing here?” I growled, still annoyed that he frightened me to death

He held up his fingers “One, I wanted to see if you were okay and two, I brought you some clothes” That was when I noticed the pile of clothes in his hands.

I grabbed the clothes from his hands “Thanks but you could’ve called me over instead of creeping up on me!”

Kai smirked “That’s me, creepy” he gave a look that made me feel uncomfortable

“Now turn around” I scowled

“Fine!” he held up his hands and turned his back on me

I quickly pulled on the clothes he gave me, suddenly feeling better about myself. “You can turn back around” I said bluntly

He turned around with a serious look on his face “So, how ya doing? I just heard what happened”

I sighed and sat back down on the floor. Kai joined me “Great, everybody knows” I mumbled

Kai shook his head “No, it’s just my duty to know with me being 3rd in command and all” he sent me a small smile

I ran my hand through me hair “have you ever been in love?” I asked

“No” Kai said way too quickly

“Well then you’re not going to know what it feels like to be stabbed in the heart over and over knowing the one you love is with someone else and going to have a family with someone else” a tear ran down my eye

“Yeah” Kai looked away with a distant look on his face

I frowned at him but just shrugged it off. He probably just wants to meet his mate. He was always the one who looked at for his mate when they visited other packs.

“So!” Kai got up so suddenly that it made me jump slightly

“What?” I asked

“Let’s get you back to the pack house”

I winced slightly “I don’t want to”

“Maisie, you’re going to have to go back there some time” Kai raised an eyebrow at me

“I know. I just can’t face him at the moment” I whispered

Kai grabbed my hands and pulled me up “Why don’t I do a sweep of the pack house before we go in and see if he’s there. Then I’ll sneak you in like an MI5 secret agent” he smirked, looking proud at his own idea.

A small smile appeared on my face “That would be great, thanks”

He swung his arm over my shoulder. I flinched slightly from his touch and my wolf was growling in my head. Strange. “You okay?” Kai asked

I forced a smile on my face “Sure”

We started walking back to the pack house in silence. The sun was setting now so the night would come sometime soon. I don’t know what it is but something about the dark always freaked me out.

I tensed when the pack house came into my sight. Noah was pacing in front of the door when we arrived.

When he saw us, his eyes widened and he ran over to us. He pulled me into a tight hug and stayed there for a few minutes “How you holding up?” he cupped my face in his hands.

I nodded “Better but not happy go lucky or anything”

Noah sighed, not really finding my joke funny “I honestly had no idea about this Mais”

“I wasn’t expecting you to Noah” I sighed in defeat “Is Logan or Carrie around?”

Noah shook his head “Carrie left about an hour ago and Logan has gone awol so neither of them are here”

My heart tugged when he said that Logan had disappeared. I couldn’t help it but he still is my mate and I worry about him.

I nodded “Okay, well I’m going to head inside and go to bed”

Noah nodded and kissed me on the forehead “I’ll try and sort this Mais. I promise”

I bowed my head “There is nothing that can be done” I choked out and ran into the house.

Huge sobs raked my body as I made it to my room and shut the door. Everything that happened today suddenly hit me at full force and my body couldn’t cope.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped down. I turned on the shower and just sat at the bottom while water ran down my face. I couldn’t tell what was water and what was my tears.

I lost track of time as I sat there. My tears soon run dry and a headache started to pound in my head. I stiffly got up from the bottom of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I had enough energy to pull a t-shirt and joggers on and just fell onto my bed, pulling the covers around me.

My eyes felt puffy from the crying and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were bloodshot as well. My eyes started to droop as all the energy I did have just left my body, making me instantly sleepy.

My door creaked open and I tensed when their scent hit my nose. The person walked slowly over to my bed and crept underneath the covers.

Logan’s eyes were dark and sad as they looked at me. He reached out to cup my waist but I wriggled further away from him. He flinched from my reaction but I just couldn’t be near him at the moment. If I let him touch me, I know that I would give in.

Logan sighed and reached out for me again. This time he just lightly touched the top of my hand with his. The tingles instantly rushed up my arm and I sighed in contentment.

After a few minutes of lying like that, my eyes lids finally gave out and let me drift off into a much needed deep sleep...


NO MAISIE HAS NOT FORGIVEN HIM YET!! hint: this chapter is significant and I wrote it like this on purpose ;) 

Thanks for reading!


Dani <33

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