Right from the beginning

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I'm Abhas a normal teenager (ok I was) who studied in 10th standard. I got loving and caring parents a lovely brother and a very supportive grandmother. I have a huge list of crazy friends. I am somewhat you can say that above average in my studies but I don't study a lot. If I'm not in school, reading novels or reading books of computer programming or working on my PC or phone then you will find me in my room thinking. Yeah thinking on so many things sometime some very meaningful things like who created the cosmos? What is the purpose of our life? Sometime on useless things like what would happen if aliens attack on earth? Okay not wasting too much time let's start the story.

That day was like my normal day I woke up late in the morning that even after my mother yelled at me several times but I went on my school on time. My school is a very famous school of that area. It has two buildings first one is for senior and second one for junior. Of course I'm in senior building. My building is in the shape of a hollow cuboid. First 3 periods of the class passed quickly but next period was of history which was very boring. He was telling us about the Napoleon Bonaparte and his battles. Firstly he was teaching us in very boring manner so naturally I didn't paid any attention and lost in my own thoughts. Then suddenly I heard word "sword", I like sword that's why he got my attention. He was telling about a war that Napoleon fought don't ask me which one. I was hearing him when my head started to pain. I was suffering from headache from several days may because of sleeping late in night but it was worse.

"Run, go find her, they are coming for you" a voice yelled in my mind.

"Who are you and what is coming" I said it too loud that everyone started to see me.

"What are you talking about, Abhas" teacher asked.

I didn't know what to tell him. Then suddenly earth started to tremble. Students started to come out of the building yelling "Earthquake". I didn't took it seriously as we had gotten several earthquake foreshocks before but they didn't did any harm. All the students run out of the class but me and my friend Abhinav were last to leave the class as always but then we realised that it is a very big earthquake when our walls started to fall. We also ran for our lives, when we get outside of our class I saw students running over one another to get outside of the building even some of the teachers are doing same, meanwhile building kept falling. After seeing this I realised that how selfish and impatience we humans are, we only think about ourselves. If they make a line and get out of the building then many lives can be saved but everyone wants to save their life first and due which no one is making it out of the building, some are that cruel that they crushed other students to move out of the building. My friend Abhinav who was till pretended to be brave also joined them. I was still there watching all of them when suddenly someone pushed me from back.

"Move out of the building, stupid" one of my teacher ordered. Then suddenly I realised that the place is breaking down and I have to get out of there. I looked for a way to get out of there but found no one all gates are jammed by the impatience students teachers are saying to move calmly but they are not listening. It was totally useless to try getting off the building with those doors. Then I did a calculation that I didn't know why and how I did.

Then I did very stupidest thing I climbed up on the building which was not falling then suddenly it started to fall but I didn't stopped I wanted to stop but something within me don't want to stop I moved to the first floor the I left that stairs and moved to another stairs when I looked back and saw that the stairs that I left has felled, somehow I knew that those stairs will fall. I climbed up the second floor and then again left the floor and building started to fall. I ran on the direction opposite to which the building was falling and jumped out of the balcony. I landed on one of the window of the falling building. I ran towards the edge of the meanwhile building kept falling. It was all looking like an action movie scene. I jumped off the building when it was about to touch the ground and landed on the ground not very safely. My left hand was injured but at least I was alive. I looked back in the school. I can't believe what I was seeing or I don't want to, all of the students who were on the gate were dead.

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