"Derek?" Evan's voice floated in the shower from behind the door. "Are you okay?"

      I was tempted not to answer or tell him to fuck off but instead I settled with, "Yeah! I'm fine!"

     "Derek...I think we need to talk."

     Crap. I didn't want to talk.


     "Go away, Evan!"

     "I'll wait til you get out."

     "Fuck," I muttered. I grabbed the bar of soap and lathered myself, ignoring to look down. I didn't have to look to know that it was still alive and well.


    I jumped and winched when the bar of soap slipped out my hand and hit my foot. "Evan! Get the hell away from the door!"

    Jesus H. Christ! Couldn't he stop talking? His voice wasn't making my happy stick go down. In fact, the sound of his voice excited it more. Little fucker had a mind of its own. My brain said stop reacting and it just jerked up higher like it was flipping me off.

    The only way for it to go down was to...shit! First kissing my best bud and now jerking off to him? Yeah...I've hit a new low. My brain rejected the idea but my body was all up for it. Ten minutes later I slammed open the bathroom door and strode out, ignoring the questioning looks sent my way.

      Since there weren't enough rooms for everyone we had decided to pick straws on who was sleeping in the two available bedrooms. Charlie and Daisy and ended up winning one room and the other...hell the other the others insisted to for me and Evan to have. It was fine with me yesterday when we had decided all this but now I'm regretting it. Being alone in a room with Evan right now didn't seem to be a good idea.

     I walked into the room and found Evan sitting on the bed, flipping the channels on the t.v. He glanced at me. I pointed at him. "Homo comics."

      He blinked. "What?"

     "Those damn homo comics! They're messing with my head, man."

     "You're blaming the comics?"

     "Who else is there to blame? You think I get turned on by my male best friends everyday!?"

      Evan's eyes widened. "I turn you on?"

    "Fuck you," I hissed. I took my shirt off and crawled in the bed with my shorts. Before he could say something else to piss me off, I tucked myself under the covers and turned my back to him.


    "I'm trying to sleep."


    "Shut up, Evan."

    "Maybe you should stop reading those 'homo comics'."

    "Good idea." Damn things putting ideas in my head. They had to be how else can I be reacting to Evan in that way? Sick.

    "Derek scoot over, you're hogging the bed."

    "Tough shit."

    "Are you really going to make me sleep on the floor?"

     I thought about it. Grudgingly, I scooted over.

     "Derek...you're hogging the blankets."

    I grumbled under my breath, loosening my hold on the blankets enough to let him slid under it. Still I didn't turn around to face him, even when he turned off the t.v and the lamp light. Only the glow of the moon streaming from the window lite the room.


     "What?" I snapped.

    "It's cold in here."

    "And what do you expect me to do about it?"


    Cursing, I turned around and scooted closer to him. I stiffened when his back touched my chest but made myself relax. Wondering why exactly I was doing this, I wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer.

    "There, it's warmer now. Now go to sleep." I felt his body shaking and I cursed. "What you're still cold?" It took me a second to realize that the bastard was laughing. What? Had he been messing with me the whole time?

    "Ass," I muttered under my breath, but didn't let him go. "Go to sleep."

    "Night, Derek."

    "Yeah, yeah. Night....Hey."


    "Is homoness contagious or something?"

    "Shut up, Derek."

   I must have been more tired than I thought because as soon as I closed my eyes, I was out like a light.


Cookie: hehehe so we see another side to Evan! XD He seems to enjoy teasing Derek now. Hehehehehe ^_^

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