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Two is complete
One is lost
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Good together
Without jelly there's no fun
Two is special
Someone special
Skateboard is fun
Without wheels there's no fun


Without you there's an empty place inside of me
Computer with a keyboard
Computer without a keyboard
There's no words
Something lock
Without a key
Trying to pick the lock
A bottle that is close
Emotions seal tightly inside


Something missing
Milk I'm missing cookies
Peanut Butter and Jelly
I'm missing breads
Skateboard I'm missing wheels
Two complete is whole
One is half
One is lost
Two is found
You love someone
That someone is special to you
You lost without that person
There's an empty place where that person used be at
Two is whole
Two is together
Two is complete
Lovers is true
Do you hear wedding bells
They become one but at first that was two
They still is Two
Wedding rings makes one
A family makes a whole
No more empty places inside of me


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