Chapter 3

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Finally! Chapter 3 is out! Sorry it took sooo long…. :/ Hope you will all like it! :) 

Chapter 3 

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. 

”When will she wake up?” I heard a familiar voice say. I tried to figure out who’s voice it was. I tried to open my eyes, but failed. I couldn’t open them. It felt like they were glued. 

I heard two men talking. But the voices began to fade away. It was like they were far away from me now. I drifted off into a sleep.


”What’s this?” Harry tried to pull up my sleeve. I quickly covered my wrists. I turned around and tried to walk away, but Harry grabbed me by my waist and turned me around so I was facing him. We were only inches apart.

”What is this Hanna?”

”It’s nothing.”

He pulled me even closer to him. ”You know I don’t like it when you’re lying to me.” He said. I felt his hot breath on my neck.

”I-I’m not lying to you Harry.” I stuttered. ”I would never lie to you.” He frowned at me. He knew I was hiding something. I have to be more careful. 

I knew it was so wrong to lie to him, but I just couldn’t tell him what’s going on. Harry and I always told each other everything, I had no secrets for him. Except for this. This is something I can’t share with him. Or with anybody.

I remember how it all started. Just a few, small, shallow cuts, that will heal quickly and easily, I thought. I was so wrong. I never thought it would come so far… 

I thought I would be able to control it. But you can’t control it. It’s impossible. It controls you. It’s an addiction.

After a few months I couldn’t go a more than a few days without cutting. I went crazy as my skin itched and burned, as my hands were shaking, my head was pounding, and my vision went blurry as I was trying to keep my mind off it, trying to hold back from giving in. But I would always give in. 

I thought I could limit the cuts to just one area of my body. But it was spreading slowly but steadily, like a deadly virus. It was spreading as I ran out of skin, from my wrists to arms, past my elbows, up my shoulders down to my stomach, across my hips and waist and soon would cover every inch of my legs right down my ankles.

I withdrew from others and I lived in a constant state of shame and guilt.

I always was the most honest person to ever live, but now I lied to my friends, family members, Harry. Everyone around me who I cared about. I always found myself jerking back from the touch of someone, as if their fingers and hands had been bathed in a toxic, burning poison. 

I would be terrified that they would feel a scar or cut from beneath the fabric of my shirt or because it just plain hurt so much to simply be touched.

I remember I was so scared the first time. But I kept saying to myself I would only make ‘a few small cuts’. I lied to myself.

I was awakened by drops falling on my head. My head was pounding. I tried to open my eyes but I was too weak. I felt someone kissing my forehead softly. 

”I’m so sorry Hanna, so sorry..” it was Harry’s voice. He sounded like he was crying.

I felt more drops falling onto my head. They were tears. Harry’s tears.

”I don’t know if you can hear this, but, I’m really sorry. If I had been there for you, none of this l would have happened. I’m so sorry you had to go through this all.  I- I just..” 

Harry carefully grabbed my hand hold it with both of his large, soft hands. 

”Just please… wake up Hanna. I can’t lose you.”

With all the power I had I tried to open my eyes but I failed. Again.

I tried to say something but I wasn’t strong enough. 

”Isn’t there anything you can do doctor?” I heard Harry saying.

”No, I’m sorry, we can’t do anything. Right now we just have to wait”, a low voice spoke. 

Docter? I’m in the hospital? Did Harry bring me here? 

He doesn’t even care about me anymore. He made that very clear. 

So if Harry didn’t brought me here, then who did?

My head pounded so much I couldn’t think straight anymore.

I drifted off into another sleep…


Please let me know what you think! Tell me if you liked it:) I love to read your comments :)

If you didn’t like it you can tell me as well! So I can write the next chapter better… 

Well, hope you all liked it!

Big love xxx


SalvationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ