The New Girl

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~~Your P.O.V~~

You woke up and walked over to my closet, you picked out an outfit for the day and styled your beautiful long brown hair: It was your first day at school at ValleyView high school. You quickly put on your outfit and ran downstairs for breakfast, you lived alone so you had to make your own breakfast. You quickly ate your breakfast and ran out the door and jumped in your car. 

(TIME SKIP) ((Brought to you by a chicken nugget named Phil.))

~~Your P.O.V~~

You parked your car in the main parking lot, most of the spots were taken so you had to park in the back. It was raining, so you had to run to the door. Then a boy, about your age, ran up next to you and handed you his umbrella. You were in shock, why would a boy this goregous give you his umbrella?! He said "Hey, my names Marshall Lee, but you can call me Marshall." He winked and started running to the door. You walked inside your school and closed the umbrella. This high school was huge! Way bigger than your last one. You found your locker and put all your things in it. You checked your schedule on your phone to see what your first class was, Social Studies with Mr. Reid. You grabbed your notebook and walked to Mr. Reid's room. Surprise surpise, Marshall was in your class. You walked past him and he just smiled and winked. Two of his teeth looked more pointy than the others, almost like a vampire. You quickly sat down at a desk in the back row, Marshall moved his stuff to the desk right next to yours. You started staring at his chest and spaced out, you then fell asleep. "Hey, hey wake up!" Marshall nudged you and you woke up from your nap, class was already over. "Well, time for 2nd period."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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