Prologue: The End Of The End Of Life

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Fred POV

Well this sucks.

It is sooo boring here... Nothing to do see, listen to, eat, touch... And I mean it literally.

This place is completely blank. It's like an empty space in the universe waiting to be filled. I can't distinguish the floor from the walls. I am the only living thing in this place.

And it's so boring. And plain. It is just so not... ME.

You might say: 'Only boring people get bored'. But lemme tell you, i am the opposite of boring. I am always out having fun with my partner in crime/twin. Sadly, the art of having fun is wasted on people without a sense of humour (AKA ex-professor Umbridge) who call it 'troublemaking'.

I mean, pffft... Us? Trouble? Nononononooo... We are simple, fun wizards who have been sent from somewhere to this place so we can help everyone have a good laugh and a good time at school. At home, it's a different story. There, we have our dear little sister Ginerva Weasley. She is like a mini version of us, except more girly and has a crush on Harry. I'm not on that boat, and never will be. But I’m not against people who are.

I've noticed that since I’ve 'arrived' here, I’ve been talking to myself for quite a while. It's very tiring actually... But whenever I get sick of my own mental voice, I just watch everyone.

I mean, literally watch. I can close my eyes and I see what my family (in which I wholeheartedly include Harry and Hermione) are up to, which is not much. Some mope around sadly, others work in boring offices, some cry and others spend their days snogging. A sight I wish to forget, no one wants to see their little sister snog The-Boy-Who-Just-Won’t-Freaking-Die senseless.  No.

 So instead, I sleep. But I can't sleep. Technically, I can. But I’m never tired enough. And to go to sleep, I have to be tired, it is like a law. So when I 'sleep', I’m actually just... Thinking about everything. With my eyes closed. And I can almost kid myself that I am sleeping.


I sometimes do wonder.

Am I condemned to spend my entire afterlife in this cold, desolate place?

Or do I get a chance to return back to Earth, to my loved ones?

I know I died, but I’m not dead. But how can I be alive, when I clearly died?

I remember hearing everything around me.

I remember seeing who killed me.

I remember feeling the curse shooting through my body, ready to render me useless.

I remember tasting my own blood in my mouth from when I’d bust a lip earlier.

I remember smelling my mums' perfume as she cried over me.

I remember thinking about how I helped save the world from You-Know-Who.

I remember watching my whole life pass by my eyes.

And as I saw everything that happened in my life, I remember thinking;

‘Oh shit...’

Then everything went black.

Then it all went white. I thought I was going into the light.

And now, here I am.

Aimlessly wandering in this hell.

Thinking up an escape plan.

But what will happen when I escape.

Will i be adored, or ridiculed?

Will they believe me, or call me a liar?

Will they know it's me, or dismiss me for an illusion or a dream?

I guess I’ll know in time.

But for now, there is one thing i am sure of.

I am neither dead nor alive.

I am just...

Completely stuck between life and death. 


Fred Weasley Story.

It centers around Fred, but also has the POV of George.

If you likey, vote.


RaiinStorm ;)

Photo: Fred Weasley (his death scene in the last movie... Snifff!!)

Song: Lonely (by Akon)

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