Chapter Seven-Library of poisons-Scotland; 2003-(Epilogue)

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"This is in the RESTRICTED AREA. Draco is using Hellsbane. It is a poison that, if ingested, causes instant death. It is like a Horcrux; it is dangerous. We need to be very careful, because if anyone sees us...we're in deep trouble", said Harry Potter, as he, Hermoine Grainger, and Ron Weasley, made sure they couldn't be seen, while they studied everything about deadly magick poisons. And, two hours' later, all three teenagers left the library with the books under their arms...and headed back to the Gryffindor rooms without being seen.



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The Leaky Cauldron Part 3 A fantasy novelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें