Luffy x reader x Zoro - Jealous

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This was a request :3
Also, reader-chan is Sanji's sister per the request.

(Name) sat on the counter, childishly swinging her legs as her brother finished the dishes.

"(Name), can't you help?" Sanji sighed irritably at the (H/C) haired girl, who grinned back at him.

"Nope. I'm not strictly the cook of this ship, brother dearest." She replied, smirking.

"Oi, (Name)!" The childish captain raced into the kitchen, followed by Usopp and Chopper. "Will you come play with us?"

"Sorry, Onee-chan. I have to go now." (Name) pushed herself off the side.

"Can't you help at all? I mean, you ate as well." The blonde cook sighed again, making her feel guilty.

"I guess...Luffy, I'll play with you guys later. Family comes first." She told the Raven-haired male, who's smile drooped a bit, and she could swear she saw him glare at the cook.

"Ok. But promise me you'll join in when your done!" Luffy had returned to his usual demeanour and was grinning childishly at (Name).

"Of course." She replied, as she began to put away some plates.


"Zoro, I bought you some Sake to apologise for my brother's behaviour earlier." (Name) placed the glass bottle on the floor next to Zoro.

"It's fine. You didn't need to do this. He's responsible for his actions, not you." Zoro replied roughly, taking a drink of the Sake.

"What were you even fighting about? I couldn't even tell!" (Name) asked, sitting down next to him.

"Nothing." He frowned at the memory.

"Listen here you piece of shit. If you even think about doing anything with (Name), you'll seriously regret it." Sanji hissed.

"What? Just because I have a better chance of getting laid than you." Zoro replied.

"You dare touch my little sister and you'll be in so much pain you'll regret being alive!" Sanji spat, glaring at the swordsman.

"What? You think you'll stop me, shitty cook?"

"I don't find that hard to believe. You two fight over the stupidest things." He was bought out of his flashback by (Name)'s sweet voice.

"It's always his fault." Zoro mumbled, looking away.

"I need to find Sanji. I said I'd do some baking with him." (Name) said, standing up and brushing off her legs before walking off.

Shitty cook. Always has to ruin everything between me and (Name).

Zoro gulped down another mouthful of Sake.


"(Name), if you had to choose between Zoro and Luffy, who would you choose?" Sanji asked, taking a drag of his cigarette and exhaling the smoke.

"I couldn't choose between them." His sister replied, continuing to whisk the mixture.

"But if you had to." Sanji rebutted. He knew that both males had a crush on his sister, and didn't want her to be forced into a relationship with someone she didn't like.

"I couldn't say. I mean, Zoro's really nice when you get to know him, but Luffy's so much fun!" The (H/C) haired girl exclaimed, pouring the mixture into a baking tray.

"Mmm." Sanji's eyes narrowed, as he looked towards the door, where a certain Raven-haired male was peeking in. "Luffy, you can't have any. It's for dessert."

"But Sanjiiii..." Luffy whined, as (Name) giggled at his childish attitude.

"Luffy, his needs to cool, and mine's just gone in." (Name) said.

"Does that mean you can play with me now?" Luffy asked, grinning.

"We're going to put the cream in, so she can't really." Sanji interjected, sighing at the fact that his sister was being dragged away.

"You can do that for her right? Come on (Name)!" Luffy grabbed her wrist and led the smiling girl outside, blushing slightly at their contact.

"It's better than her being with that shitty swordsman at least." Sanji mumbled, turning back towards the baking.

Sorry if this sucked, or the Zoro part faded out towards the end, but this is meant to be a Luffy X reader.
Also, my mad baking skills are evident in my description :3

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