Frustrated, angry, confused, and hurt. Those were all of the emotions that washed over me, wrapping around me like a cold blanket in the winter. Tears burned the back of my eyes, causing me to blink several times to not allow them to come. Eenacks do not cry. We do not show fear, we do not show emotion at all in the face of an enemy. And, the entire Kingdom was an enemy.

I don't know how long I stayed there, sitting on the railing, but I just sat and watched the civilians go about there business, rushing home or to a pub that would hold the liquor that they wished to fill their stomachs and blur their memories. Above me, the flying beasts flew, gliding on a breeze that I could not feel, but knew that it held them above as they moved gracefully through the air.

Time moved at a sluggish pace as I finally found the strength to go back to the bed chambers, grabbing the brush made of a pail pink coral, allowing the stiff bristles to comb out my long hair and give it a beautiful shine. Placing it down beside the wardrobe, I padded back to the hammock, instantly getting comfortable as I wrapped the tapestry around me and snuggled into the pillow, swaying slightly.

At least I had a small piece of home with me while I was to stay here. And with that thought, I faded into a peaceful slumber, resting completely at ease.


True to his word, Kratos had given me distance from him, never calling for me for any reason that he could possibly imagine. In fact, he had been so true to his word that he had left me alone for a month, never calling once or seeking me. And for that, I was grateful. My meals were sent to my room by Enya, her freckled smile always crossed over her features, and we would sit together, never speaking, but sharing the food. I was starting to see her gain some weight on her, the meat and bread helping smooth out the harsh lines of her sharp cheekbones. It had taken some persistence, but she had eventually decided that it was better to accept a gift instead of arguing over her pride. We never spoke much, only a quick thanks to the other, or she answered my questions about the statues to the best of her knowledge.

She was the most pleasant company that I had received since my forced leaving of Mother Tree and Maketis. But, as the haunting thoughts started to come to my mind, I pushed them aside, not wanting to think of anything but the comfort of the hammock that I swayed softly in. I didn't do much as I lay in the hammock, though it was mostly all that I did besides drinking a bottle of wine each day that Kratos would grant me. I was far from drunk, but I was still grateful for the warmth that flowing down my throat into my stomach.

Eventually though, I tried of the same view of my chambers, the inviting bed always taunting me with thoughts of allowing myself to lay on it. Pushing away the thoughts, I removed myself from the hammock, padding towards the wardrobe to find something suitable to wear as I took a stroll around the palace. I couldn't go beyond the castle gates that separated the palace from the city and it's civilians. Perhaps someday, or perhaps not. Only time -it seems- would tell. I found a slowing gown the color of a pail peach in the summer sun, quickly placing it over my skin, feeling the soft cotton of the fabric hug my skin. With an open back and sides, the straps of the shoulders holding the cups for the breasts to be held in, it hugged my tall and slim frame. The fabric flowed around me like a soft breeze with each step, revealing the soft yellow beneath it.

Deciding to pull my hair back into a bun like some of the woman of the pleasure house had shown me, I stood in front of the mirror as I pulled and twisted some of the strands around the others to hold it in place. Happy with the result as it rested on the back top of my head, I pulled a few strands lose to frame my face before leaving the chambers, not knowing where I would go.

However, as my feet touched the bottom stair, the sound of angels singing came to my ears. A small gasp left me as I found myself following the angelic sound. My body seemed to know the destination of where my feet were taking me, my heart feeling like it was being tugged by a string. The cuffs on my wrists and ankles seemed to be pulled by a string that I had not felt before, yet I was comforted by the feel of the light tug. It was almost like that of a small child reaching up to ask for a loaf of bread or a small smile and hug. It warmed my heart, and I went to the front entrance of the palace, the guards opening the doors for me with confused eyes.

The moment my body was outside of the castle, I could hear the angelic voices more clearly, like they were no longer hidden inside a box that needed to be opened. Like the small singing box that her Majesty Amira gave to her first born, Naomie. A singing, music box, that played when a key was placed inside and turned. I didn't see anything other than the path that my body was following, moving around the gardens as I went to the chapel that was on the side of the gardens, visitors passing in and out, all carrying something of some sort. Each was covered in simply robing, though their bodies were covered modestly while they lowered their heads.

My feet stepped up the marble steps slowly, the large pearl doors of the chapel open to the public. An elderly woman was walking ahead of me, holding a cane in her hand as she shook slightly. Hurrying to help her, I offered her my arm instead of the old wooden cane that seemed ready to snap if placed under any more pressure. She smiled at me, a few teeth missing, but her wrinkled skin soft in the colorful light, her light grey eyes shining in the candle light of the chapel. I smiled back at her, placing my hand on her cold one, feeling the pulse of her slow heartbeat lightly tapping the palm of my hand. We walked inside the chapel, the singing loud and clear now, seeming to bounce off the walls and tinted windows that held colorful pictures of the gods in different positions. Candles covered the floor, all lit and black, giving the room a soft glow that reached the curved ceiling.

Looking above, I could see the gods painted in the clouds, small angels surrounding them, along with a flowing crystal like river, Orakles swimming inside with large mouths open. I smiled as the elderly woman squeezed my hand. I squeezed her hand back gently as we walked forward, my eyes looking around everywhere. People kneeled before the statues of the seven gods scattered around the room, praying, crying, praising. There were no pews, only small matts to sit on for the elderly when they came to pray. In the heart of the chapel, there sat a bubbling fountain filled with crystal blue water.

"Do you hear them, child?" the elderly woman asked as we sat in front of the fountain, our knees pressed against the padded matts on the floor. I gave her a confused look as she dipped her hands into the fountain, drinking from her palms, and then rubbing the water on her neck and ears, cleansing herself of her sins.

"Hear them?" I whispered, hardly able to hear her over the sounds of the angelic voices singing of the Mother Tree Maria, the goddess of life and rolling waters.

"The spirits of the long passed Orakles. They sing to those that will listen to their song," she whispered before cleansing herself once again, placing the water on her arms and chest, then placing her forehead to the fountain in thanks. "Look into the water, child." she said before standing and walking to the statues to pray. I blinked in confusion for a moment before the voices started to grow louder, consuming my every thought.

I had never cleansed myself before, never seen how it was done until now. But, as I sat up further on my knees to look at the bubbling water, I saw the Singing Orakles swimming inside the water, their image clear as my hand. Leaning forward, I watched as the stars started to fill the water, the clouds rolling as they swam and sang their angelic song, praising the Mother. Tears blurred my vision as I felt my hand moving forward, the pads of my fingertips skimming the surface of the cool water. Moving my hand to left and right, I watched as the Orakles vanished over the waves, only to be replaced by the stars and the palace, then the islands.

Bending over to were I could see the water clearly, I repeated the motion, just as the angels started to come to a close with their enchanting song. A single teardrop fell into the water as it rippled again, the stars fading and showing the Orakles once again, though they no longer danced or sang. They just looked at me as they stayed lifeless, their large eyes watching me with no emotions.

"What have you planned for me, Mother?" I whispered before cleansing myself. Perhaps there was more to my coming here than I knew. Perhaps this was to happen all along.

But perhaps I had too much wine. Or, perhaps not.

Pushing all thoughts aside, I listened as the angels started to sing again, their soft and sweet voices blending in my mind, seeming to only be for my ears as I cleansed again and went to the statues to pray to the Mother.

The King's Possession -- Book Two: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now