Dont ask me why.

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Family is not relatives, but the people who you'd never get rid of.
Friends are not only the people around you, but the people who make you happy.
Home is not where you live, but where you belong.
A getaway is not a vacation, but a place that makes you happy.

My family is my friends.
My friends are my home.
My home is my getaway.

Youtubers and bands are my family. They are my getaway. They make me happy when I can't stand life anymore. They make me feel loved. They make me feel pretty. They make me feel like I'm not alone. When my head phones are in, everything is okay. They are the reason I'm still here. They keep me here.

So don't ask me why I'm always in my room. Or why I'm always listening to music.
Its because it's the only place I truly feel loved.
Because no matter how many "friends" in school I have, I can never talk to any of them about how I feel. I could never vent to them. No matter how many people "care," I don't feel it. No matter how many people are around me, I'm always alone.

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