Lucy blushed as she gazed into his eyes, she felt the familiar tingle of sparks go up and down her arm. She never grew tired of feeling those sparks, she wanted to feel them again. She never wanted to stop feeling those tantalizing sparks. She just wished that he would have picked her to be his bride. She wanted to meet this stranger, she wanted to find out who it is. " Thank you, I feel so much better. Just a bit restless from laying to much, I can not wait to be outdoors again." She smiled at him and let her eyes wander around the room as she tried to see his future.

No one but Ashley and her grandmother was in the room. She furrowed her brow at the disappointment. She really wanted to know, she was just going to have to wait it seemed. Grayson stood next to her as they had waited for the Duchess to join them. She felt the need to be close to him, in hopes of feeling those delicious sparks again. She stood close enough to feel the heat coming from his body. She hoped that he would escort her to lunch, she wanted to cherish this moment.

It would be the first and only time he ever escorted her to anything. The last time he tried, Sarah had stolen him away. If he was happy with his choice of bride, then she had no choice but to except her. She felt her heart break a little more at the thought of another woman married to Grayson. She had to control herself, she couldn't give away her feelings to no one. She could loose her tears another time behind the closed door of her room. Right now she had to put on a brave face and live in the moment.

She needed to enjoy what little bit of time she had left with Grayson. She had to put on her happy face and make most of what time she got with him. She could cry later in the comfort of her grandmother's arms. She smiled," I am so excited that we are to be having a picnic outdoors. I hope it doesn't rain, the clouds are starting to get a little cloudy." She furrowed her brow at the sight of a storm in the far distance.

Grayson chuckled," Lucy my dear, it wouldn't dare rain on this picnic. We all wanted this to be special for you. Seeing as you saved my little sister, this is the only way we thought as to thank you." Grayson looked down at her, she did have the most beautiful eyes. He watched as she licked her plump red lips. He almost groaned at the thought of what he wanted to do with those lips.

Joyce and Ashley walked out the door with Marybeth, they walked ahead of them. Lucy was half expecting Grayson's fiancé to walk in the room. She would then have to step away from Grayson, to give his lady's right to be at his side.  He must have sensed her change in her mood, he kissed her knuckles again. He knew that she had something on her mind, and he had an idea what too.

He was going to need all of his charm and strength to woe Lucy. He knew that the three ladies that went ahead of them, were not joining them. They were going to be having their lunch at a spot on the other side of the lake. So that Lucy and Grayson wouldn't be unchaperoned, but they would have the privacy that was needed.

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