

I was awoken by my name being called. His deep voice sending a shiver down my spine. I lazily opened my eyes to be met by a smiling Harry looking down at me. The passanger's door, or mine was open and waiting for someone to come out of; me. I yawned. Just then, I felt arms underneath my legs, and on my back before I was lifted up into the air carefully. I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck, holding on. Then, my feet were lightly placed on the ground below me, before I unwrapped my arms from around Harry's neck. 

 I looked around our surroundings. I had no idea where we were. I looked at Harry. He kept on smiling. "Where are we?" I asked.

"It's a private place," He said. I felt a little disappointed. I didn't really want it to be private. But, I guess it had to be that way since he was Harry Styles, and I was "missing." 

"Alright well, it seems far away," I said as he guided me towards the entrance. We went inside and I smiled. It was a bowling alley. I could tell it was private, no one was here and there were just a few lanes. It wasn't very big, but not too small, either. It was... Peaceful. I guess you could put it into those words. 

"What size shoe are you?" He asked me. 

"A seven," I answered. 

"Alright, I'll be back... Stay right here," He said sternly, his smile disappearing as he pointed at a small bench where I'm guessing where you sit to put your shoes on. I sat down and waited, as instructed. I fiddled with my thumbs, them suddenly becoming very interesting to me. I looked around at this comfortable place. I made me smile. I haven't been bowling in a while. I don't know if you'd say I was good at it. I guess you could... I get spares, maybe some strikes once in a while. But I was curious about Harry. By the time I was done thinking about it, he was back with my shoes.

"Thanks," I muttered before slipping of my Vans I had on. I put on the shoes, which were a perfect fit. Then, Harry randomly pulled out a backpack and took out of it bowling shoes of his own. I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"What?" He asked. 

"What are those for?" I asked.

"These," He said pointing at them before starting to put them on, "are mine.. I'm a professional."

"Alright then, we'll see about that then now won't we?" I teased. 

Once we were both done with putting on our shoes, picking my ball since Harry already had his own along with his shoes, a lane, and putting in our names in the machine which told you your score and whose turn it was, we began. Of course, I was up first.

We both had orange balls, mine obviously lighter than his. I  picked up my ball before getting ready. I kept thinking about what my dad would tell me whenever we'd go together as a family. "Aim for the second arrow, next to the middle. Be sure to put a slight curve on, but not too much. When you release the ball, turn your wrist like this," Then he'd show me. I took in a deep breath before stepping and starting. I did exactly what my dad told me to, before the ball was released from my fingers. As it went down the lane, I kept my eyes focused. As the balls hit the pins, nine were knocked down. One slightly moving, but not enough force to make it fully fall. I turned around and saw Harry with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Good job, Jade... Now try knocking down that last pin though, okay?" He asked me as if I were his daughter or something. I rolled my eyes at him. My ball came back up, and I took it. This time, I aimed it slightly to the side of the pin, it forming a curve ball as it went down. The last pin was knocked down. I looked at Harry and smiled. Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. 

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