Chapter 4

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**Jade's POV**

Now it wasn't just the Niall boy looking at the red liquid running down my arm, it was all of them. Their eyes were all looking at my arm, their eye color all the same color as the liquid running down my arm. It was terrifying, but the most terrifying thing of all was the white sharp pointy things coming out of their mouths. What were they? Fangs? No.. No! They couldn't be! No! This wasn't real.. It couldn't be! This is a dream! But it wasn't. This was reality. My breathing got heavier, as my blue eyes widened. I looked over at the boy Liam to see him looking away and shake his head.

"No... Guys, stop!" He said, but he was the only one. Everyone else eyed my arm, not looking away. Niall still was holding my arm, practically drooling.

"Guys! STOP," he growled, and his eyes turned a goldish color now.. I swear, his voice didn't sound angelic. It was like a demon! It was so deep, and his eyes were golden. What the heck is going on?! They all looked away, at Liam, their eyes turning back to their normal color, and their 'fangs' going away slowly. Niall let go of my arm, and I caught my breath and sighed.

"We're going out... We'll be back later," Liam said standing back up, and Niall carefully chained me, but fast so I couldn't abject. They all stood up and headed to the door.

"I'm sorry," Liam said before shutting the door, and I heard it lock.

What am I supposed to do now? I thought. I was chained, so I couldn't really do much. I could stand up, but barely. It took a lot of effort. I actually did,  but then regretted it because it was even harder going back down. Once I got back down, I decided to just sit. I kept replaying in my mind what just happened. So, if they were vampires, why didn't they just kill me then and there? They know I saw them murderer that poor girl, so wouldn't they just do the same for me, for their own 'treat' and revenge? I looked down at my arm to see the blood that was spilling out dried on my arm, and only a little bit was coming out now. I tried rubbing over the cut, but me being chained didn't allow me to. I sighed and looked around. "Where am I supposed to sleep?" I whispered to myself. I sighed and looked around, and lay down on this ground, and closed my eyes. I felt something drip on my skin, and I opened my eyes and looked around, but there wasn't anything. I lay back down on the floor, trying to get comfortable but I couldn't due to the chains. Once I finally got decently comfortable, I felt two more drips.. Then, another.. Then two or three more, and I turned on my back, and looked up and a huge lump went in my throat, and my eyes widened, and I stopped breathing for a second. My heart beat faster and faster, and I finally realized who it was. It was a girl.. But not just a girl. That poor girl they were hunched over yesterday night, and she was covered in blood, and her stomach was open. It was so terrifying, like in those horror movies, but this was reality. She was somehow hanging on the ceiling, being held up by something.. I am surprised I didn't see her before.. But it seems somehow her blood was dripping even faster now. I finally got the hint, and then I let out a horrifying scream off fear, and then the door unlocked and swung open.

**Harry's POV**

We made our way out the front door, and in vampire speed ran through the woods. "Wait! " Niall called and we stopped. "What?" I asked.

"Where are we going to find-"

"WAIT!" I stopped him.

"What is it, Harry?" Zayn asked me.

"Jade... Something's wrong.." I said.

"How do you know?" Louis said.

"I don't know I can just.. sense it.." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Alright so are you suggesting we go back?" Zayn asked.

"Yes.." I said.

"Wait! But guys.. We need to drink. We haven't in more than 24 hours now, and we  put Jade's life in risk less than 10 minutes ago!" Liam said.

Are You Afraid? (One Direction Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin