Chapter 26

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**Jade's POV**

 As we hurried along in the rain I couldn't help but replay everything that Harry had just said back down near the cliff. He actually trusted me that much to actually show me something that's truly special to him that he hasn't even showed his own best mates; the boys.

"Are you alright?" I heard Harry's voice which brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, why?" I asked.

"Because you're holding onto me tighter than usual," Harry answered as he still ran along beating the rain.

"Oh, sorry," I loosened my grip, "I just am afraid of falling," I lied. Honestly, I was scared. Scared of what could happen to me if the other vampires found out I knew about them. Who were the other vampires who turned them and knew about them? Obviously they were here since the boys were turned here. It just made me worry and curiosity got the best of me along with some fear. An emotion I always have whenever I'm with Harry.

"It's fine. Don't be afraid. I'll never let you fall," he answered.

It is kind of strange of how Harry's behavior changes in a matter of seconds. I mean, just a little while ago he was acting as if he was going to kill me, and now he's all protective. And to tell you the truth, I'd be lying if I said it didn't annoy me. 

I didn't say anything back to Harry. I kept thinking about what he said about everything. It was alarmed on what he said afterwards taking it all in. I really wanted to know who turned him and the boys, and where they were.. What would they do to the boys if they found out I knew? Or even worse, what would they do to me? The thought of the possibilities sent shivers throughout my body. The thoughts were such an abhorrence. Suddenly everything seemed to be slowing down before the sound of creaking signalling a door was being opened was the sound in my ears. Harry carefully let go of me before pulling me  in front of him, my back to his chest. Him bringing his lips dangerously close to my ear.

"I still haven't forgotten."

His deep, husky voice sent a shiver down my spine, his lips barely touching my ear sending a sensation I couldn't quite describe. It wasn't one of lust, or fear, or coldness. It was one that just occurred from how close he was to me. He started to move forward which made me move along with him. Not that I had a choice; which I didn't. 

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to stall him as I was talking, I tried to hold my ground so he couldn't move or move me along with him, but I was failing miserably and he knew it. 

"You remember what you did," He said lowly. I shivered.

"I-I-I'm sorry," I stuttered. I felt a vibration on my back, signalling he chuckled. His breathing on the top of my head.

"Thank you but," He stopped walking, still holding my back to his front before taking a deep breath and then continuing, "you've been a bad girl Jade," He said his lips touching my ears. I closed my eyes, a shiver going down my spine before the warm placement on my back was replaced with coldness. His front leaving me, before I was pushed forward. I quickly opened my eyes trying to keep my balance not at all expecting that; being pushed. I turned back around when I balanced myself upward again but quickly saw Harry with a smirk on his face.

"Wait! What's going on?" I asked. But it was too late. All of a sudden, out of no where a silver  door slid across, being closed, before clicking, being locked. Harry's smirk-filled face was gone. And I was alone.

I ran over to it, banging, screaming, waiting. Nothing. I eventually stopped after calling his name, and the other boys. No one came for me, That's when I backed away, before my back came in contact with the wall. I slouched down and brought my knees to my chest. I buried my head between my knees before I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I don't know how to explain it. I was just upset and scared, it was self defense and the first thing that came to mind. My natural reaction to the situation, I was protecting myself. But he didn't look at it that way. And now, I have no idea what is going to happen next. So all I have to do is one thing. All I can do is one thing. Wait.

My movie trailer is done, yay! BUT, I'm going to wait until the 30th chapter :) sorry! Only 4 more chapters :) it's going to be great, can't wait for you all to see it! Fan me on here if you like this! comment, vote, and promote? PIC OF VAMPIRE HARRY SMIRKING ON THE SIDE! IT'S WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE BEFORE HE SHUTS THE DOOR! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.




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