Flashback 7

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Flashback 7

1 year ago...

I stood outside the guidance consolers' office, waiting for my next appointment. I was fifteen, in tenth grade now, and I went to see Mr. Goldenburg (the consoler) weekly.

I had told him almost everything: my fathers death, the bullying, my brother's addiction to smoking, and my mother ignoring me. Of course, I left out the part about being raped and beaten.

I tucked my short, chin-length hair (I'd had it cut - yeah, you missed a lot) behind my ear, when I heard my hateful sixth period Global Studies 2 teacher, Mrs. Redhill, speaking: "...yes, I know."

I really wasn't a good liar, or big on eavesdropping, but when I heard Mr. Goldenburg respond, "Danielle will be waiting, though. I cannot contain my excitement, to hear her next story," I decided to listen in. This was interesting.

"She does like to be the center of attention," Mrs. Redhill agreed. "It seems like every single day, Danielle has some new excuse to skip my class. God, it's annoying."

I covered my mouth and nose to keep from snorting. "I know, Camila." Mr. Goldenburg sighed. "She is such a drama queen."

Blinking, I took a step back, feeling extremely shocked. I had thought that the guidance consoler was on my side.

Obviously, not.

"And," he added, "my patience is running out. I don't know why she believes he is so special. Danielle shares the same story of millions: she's bullied, ignored, her siblings are breaking down...it's not like there's anything different about her -"

With those words, I swung the door open, eyes red as tears streaked down my cheeks. I immediately saw the horror in Mr. Goldenburg's eyes when he choked out, "Danielle, what's wrong?! Er, how long...?"

"Never," I sobbed, anger gleaming in my eyes as I stepped near him. "Never, ever, talk to me again, or speak about me like my life is a joke! Nobody knows what I've been through - and now you think it's funny that I'm in pain?!"

I pointed a hateful finger in his direction accusingly. "Get away from me. And never..."

Not having enough energy to finish, or hold it in any longer, I rushed out of there, slammed shut the door, and ran to the girl's bathroom, crying.


Quick A/N:

Sorry that this is soooo short and I'm also sorry I didn't update very quickly! Please be patient! I'm almost done with this book, and I can only do so much in a day! But I'll post 3 flashbacks, eh? Will that satisfy your never-ending hunger for my books? ;)


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